Gujarat NEET UG Counselling Round 3 choice filling begins at – News18

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If applicants participate in round 3 and their status is not upgraded, the admission from round 2 will be continued (Representative Image)

Regardless of the admission status of the candidate from the previous round, all candidates included in the merit list are eligible to participate in round 3

The Gujarat NEET UG counselling round 3 online choice-filling facility has been made available by the Admission Committee for Professional Undergraduate Medical Education Courses (ACPUGMEC) for all qualified applicants who are included on the ACPUGMEC merit list.

By visiting the official website, with their user ID and password, candidates can give out their “ONLINE CONSENT” for participation in the Gujarat NEET UG counselling round 3 and can begin choosing their preferences for admission to government seats, management seats, and NRI seats of medical, dental, ayurvedic, and homoeopathic UG programmes.

According to the authorities, regardless of the admission status of the candidate from the previous round, all candidates included in the ACPUGMEC merit list are eligible to participate in the third round. Candidates who did not participate in the second round of Gujarat NEET UG counselling are still eligible to register again in round 3 and make choices. Candidates who have confirmed their admission in either of the previous rounds and have agreed to take part in the third round after receiving a fresh seat will immediately have their admission to the first or second round revoked.

If applicants participate in round 3 and their status is not upgraded, the admission from round 2 will be continued. According to the official announcement, these applicants cannot revoke their admission and are required to enrol in the admitted course and college (for the MBBS and BDS courses only).

Gujarat NEET UG Counselling 2023: Round 3 dates

The Gujarat NEET UG round 3 online choice filling schedule is given below and it applies to all qualified applicants who are included on the ACPUGMEC merit list.

–– Choice Filling begins – September 13

–– Choice Filling ends – September 16 up to 3 pm

–– Display of choices filled by candidates – September 16 up to 12 pm

–– Processing for seat allotment – September 17 to September 18

Gujarat NEET Counselling 2023 round 3: Documents needed

At the time of choice filling, candidates must have the following documents on hand:

–– Class 10 mark sheet

–– Class 12 mark sheet

–– NEET result 2023

–– School Leaving Certificate/ Transfer Certificate

–– Caste Certificate (for SC/ ST/ SEBC candidates)

–– Non-creamy Layer (NCL) Certificate

–– Certificate of Physical Disability (if applicable)

–– Certificate of local candidate from the Dean of NHLMMC (Ahmedabad) or SMIMER (Surat)

–– Documentary evidence of NRI status (if applicable)

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By bpci

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