Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
The state examination board on Wednesday announced the Teachers’ Aptitude Test – Secondary (TAT-S) prelims results.
The results showed that of the 1.45 lakh candidates who had taken the competitive exam, 41% or 60,566 qualified by scoring 70 marks and above from 200 marks question paper. TAT-S is conducted for candidates who want to get a teacher’s job in secondary schools. TAT-S prelims was conducted on June 4. The candidates who have qualified will be able to take TAT-S Mains on June 25.
The state government has recently changed rules for the qualification of getting a teacher’s job in Class 9-12 grade schools. The candidates will now have to take and clear two tests to qualify for the job.
Earlier, the candidates had to take only one test TAT which will now be a two-part test, TAT-Prelims and TAT-Mains. All new recruitment henceforth will be based on the new structure of TAT. The state government had started conducting TAT from 2012. TAT-S mains were to be conducted on June 18 which has been delayed to June 25 now.
TAT-S Mains will be conducted at Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara.
Board data showed that 29.71% or 43,125 candidates scored 80 marks and above while 28,777 or 19.83% of the total candidates scored 90 marks and above. The board data showed that 18,036 or 12.43% candidates scored 100 out of 200 marks while 5,208 or 3.59% candidates scored 120 marks and above.
The results showed that of the 1.45 lakh candidates who had taken the competitive exam, 41% or 60,566 qualified by scoring 70 marks and above from 200 marks question paper. TAT-S is conducted for candidates who want to get a teacher’s job in secondary schools. TAT-S prelims was conducted on June 4. The candidates who have qualified will be able to take TAT-S Mains on June 25.
The state government has recently changed rules for the qualification of getting a teacher’s job in Class 9-12 grade schools. The candidates will now have to take and clear two tests to qualify for the job.
Earlier, the candidates had to take only one test TAT which will now be a two-part test, TAT-Prelims and TAT-Mains. All new recruitment henceforth will be based on the new structure of TAT. The state government had started conducting TAT from 2012. TAT-S mains were to be conducted on June 18 which has been delayed to June 25 now.
TAT-S Mains will be conducted at Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara.
Board data showed that 29.71% or 43,125 candidates scored 80 marks and above while 28,777 or 19.83% of the total candidates scored 90 marks and above. The board data showed that 18,036 or 12.43% candidates scored 100 out of 200 marks while 5,208 or 3.59% candidates scored 120 marks and above.
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Bharat Yagnik
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