Gujarat TET Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Job Profile, Career Growth

Jagran Josh

Gujarat TET Registration Process 2022 ends on 5th December 2022 for Teachers posts for classes 1 to 5 (TET-I) and classes 6 to 8 (TET-II) in schools in Gujarat.

Gujarat TET Salary 2022: The Gujarat State Examination Board (GSEB) is inviting online applications from eligible candidates for the Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test (TET 2022) for selection as Teachers of classes 1 to 5 (TET-I) and classes 6 to 8 (TET-II) in the schools of Gujarat. The online application for GTET 2022 will close on 5th December 2022. Candidates are advised to check their Gujarat TET Eligibility Criteria 2022 to fill out a valid/correct application form and submit it before the closing date. As per the official notification by the GSEB, the Gujarat TET 2022 Written Exam is scheduled to be held in February/March 2023 (tentatively).

Meanwhile, candidates interested in the Gujarat TET exam can check the salary of government teachers in Gujarat, pay scale, allowances, job profile, and career growth policy here.

Gujarat TET 2022 Important Dates

Check out the important dates of GTET 2022 mentioned below:



Gujarat TET Application Dates

21st October 2022 to 5th December 2022

Fee Acceptance Period

21st October 2022 to 6th December 2022

Late Fee Payment Dates

7th December 2022 to 12th December 2022

GTET Exam Dates

February/March 2023 (Tentative)

Gujarat TET Salary Structure 2022

As per the official notice, the candidates seeking appointment within the board as a teacher will be paid a salary as per the rules of the 7th pay commission. The admissible pay scale is going to be Rs. 35,400 – 1,12,400 with a pay band of 4200 and grade level 6. Go through the table below to know the monthly Gujarat TET salary break-up.

Gujarat TET Teacher Salary 2022

Salary Inputs

Gujarat TET Salary Structure

Grade Pay

Rs. 35,400 – 1,12,400

Pay Level


Pay Band


Basic Pay








Gross Salary


Annual Package

7.60 LPA

Also Read: Gujarat TET Exam Pattern 2022: Download Official Syllabus PDF for Paper-1 & Paper-2

Gujarat TET Allowances 2022

Apart from the Gujarat TET salary, the candidates will be paid the following allowances along with the promised salary package. 

1. Dearness Allowance: Dearness allowance is paid to the employees to adjust to the present inflation prevalent in the country. This DA is revised quarterly and is calculated as a percentage of the basic pay. 

2. House Rent Allowance: HRA is the allowance that is paid to the employees in a bid to pay the house rent on a monthly basis. It is also calculated on the promised basic pay. 

3. Travel Allowance: Travel allowance is a fixed allowance that is paid on the basis of the grade pay to which the employee belongs.

4. Medical Allowance: It is paid to the employee to meet the medical expense of his or his family members. This is also determined on the basis of the grade pay applicable to his post. 

5. Contributory Pension: Gujarat TET is a government job therefore the employee contributes some percentage of the salary to his pension fund every month. 

Also Read: Gujarat TET Registration Process 2022: Check Important Dates, Documents, Fees, How to Apply

Gujarat TET Job Profile 2022

A candidate upon becoming a Gujarat TET exam has to fulfill the following roles and responsibilities. 

  • Educating students based on the curriculum issued and guidelines.
  • Encouraging and motivating students to participate in academic and extra-curricular activities.
  • Draft lessons, and study plans, present lectures in line with the curriculum and ensure timely completion of the syllabus.
  • Organizing tests and analyzing performances of students both in written, oral, and practical exams.

Gujarat TET Career Growth

Gujarat TET Teachers will be employed in the  Gujarat state government-aided schools. They shall also be getting good career growth through promotions. After completing a fixed number of years in the service, the candidate will be eligible to write the internal exams from time to time. Qualifying for this exam will enable them to get promoted to higher levels. One can be promoted to the senior teacher, assistant teacher, principal, or headmaster posts.

Gujarat TET Application Form 2022 Link


Q1: What is the Gujarat TET Teacher Salary?

Read our article Gujarat TET Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Job Profile, Career Growth on Jagran Josh.

Q2: What allowances are admissible for the Gujarat TET primary teacher?

As per the rules, candidates who qualify for the Gujarat TET examination will be eligible for allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent allowance, travelling allowance, provident fund and pension fund contribution on a monthly basis.

Q3: What is the career growth and hierarchy followed for the Gujarat TET?

Gujarat TET Teachers can go for promotional exams to get an elevation to a higher post. The promotion Hierarchy of GTET Teachers is Primary teacher, Upper primary teacher, Assistant teacher, Senior teacher, Vice Principal, and then Principal.

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