Inside Higher Ed
Harvard University has placed a business administration professor who studies dishonesty on administrative leave, The Chronicle of Higher Education reports.
The professor, Francesca Gino, was one of the authors of a 2012 article published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. One of the article’s authors told The Chronicle that Harvard found more fraud and is asking the journal to note this, The Chronicle reported.
It’s unclear, however, whether that’s connected to Gino being on leave — Harvard Business School declined comment Tuesday, and neither Gino nor the journal responded to Inside Higher Ed’s requests for comment.
Five researchers said they did three separate experiments for that paper, which concluded that “when people signed an honesty pledge at the beginning of a form, versus the end, they were less likely to cheat on the form,” The Chronicle reported.
The Chronicle has since reported that a blog alleges “evidence of fraud” in three other papers Gino co-authored.
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Ryan Quinn
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