Haryana Board Releases Admit Cards For Supplementary Exams At bseh.org.in – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

The secondary academic examination will be held from July 27 to August 4, 2023 (Representative image)

This year, a significant percentage of students, approximately 35 per cent in Class 10 and 19 per cent in Class 12, did not achieve the required passing marks in the HBSE exams

The Haryana Board of School Education released the 2023 Haryana Board Compartment Admit Cards for Classes 10, and 12. Candidates can access the admit card on BSEH’s official website at bseh.org.in if they need to appear for the improvement, additional improvement, or complete improvement. The senior secondary examination will be held on July 26 in the state at various exam centers.

The secondary academic examination will be held from July 27 to August 4, 2023. The senior secondary and secondary exams will be given in a single shift from 2 to 5 pm. Candidates must present a valid admit card with a scanned photo in order to appear in the exam.

Haryana Board Admit Card 2023: Steps to download

Step 1- Visit the BSEH website at bseh.org.in.

Step 2- On the homepage, select the link for Haryana Board Compartment Admit Card 2023.

Step 3- Enter your login information, then click “Submit.”

Step 4- On the screen, your admit card will be visible.

Step 5- Examine the admissions card and save the page.

Remember without the physical copy of admit card, no student will allowed to enter the examination venue. Calculators and mobile phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall. If found, it will result in the registration of an Unfair Means Case (U.M.C.)

As per the official guidelines by the board, candidates with different abilities, such as physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and permanent physical impairment of extremities (hand, foot, etc.), as well as those with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, developmental aphasia, shall be provided with the following accommodations:

-Services of an amanuensis (a person who writes or types for someone else) with an extra time of 20 minutes per hour will be provided for answering each paper.

In case of an emergency, the board has provided various numbers. Candidates must strictly adhere to all instructions issued while appearing in examination centers. Further, candidates are required to follow all instructions given in the admit card.

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#Haryana #Board #Releases #Admit #Cards #Supplementary #Exams #bseh.org.in #News18

By bpci

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