Jagran Josh
HBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024: Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) has published the Biology syllabus (subject code 865) for the 12th class students. Students who will attempt the 2023-24 board exam can use this syllabus to get the complete list of course content, question paper design and the HBSE prescribed books. Also, download the complete BSEH Biology syllabus 2024 PDF here.
HBSE 12th Class Biology Syllabus Highlights and General Instructions
Class: 12
Subject: Biology
Code: 865
General Instructions:-
- There will be an Annual Examination based on the entire syllabus.
- The annual examination (Theory) will be of 70 Marks whereas Practical examinations will be of 30 marks (15 marks each for external and internal examination). Therefore, Total annual evaluation (70+30) will be of 100 marks.
HBSE Class 12 Biology 2023-24 Course Structure
Unit |
Topic |
Chapter |
Marks |
VI |
Reproduction |
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants |
16 |
Human Reproduction |
Reproductive Health |
Genetics and Evolution |
Principles of Inheritance and Variation |
20 |
Molecular Basis of Inheritance |
Evolution |
Biology and Human Welfare |
Human Health and Diseases |
12 |
Microbes in Human Welfare |
IX |
Biotechnology |
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes |
12 |
Biotechnology and its Applications |
X |
Ecology |
Organisms and Populations |
10 |
Ecosystem |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
70 |
Practical |
30 |
Grand Total |
100 |
HBSE Biology Syllabus for Class 12 2023-24
Unit VI: Reproduction
Chapter 1: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants:
Flower- A Fascinating organ of Angiosperms, Pre-fertilization: structure and events: Stamen, microsporangium, and Pollen grain, The Pistil, Megasporangium and Embryo sac, Pollination, Double fertilization; post fertilisation: structure and events, Endosperm, Embryo, Seed, Apomixis and Polyembryony.
Chapter 2: Human Reproduction
Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System, Gametogenesis Menstrual Cycle, Fertilization and Implantation, Pregnancy and Embryonic Development, Parturition and Lactation
Chapter 3: Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health: Problems and Strategies, Population Stabilisation and Birth Control, Medical termination of Pregnancy; Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Infertility.
Unit VII: Genetics and Evolution
Chapter 4: Principles of Inheritance and variation
Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance, Inheritance of One Gene, Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation, Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Inheritance Of Two Genes, Law of Independent Assortment, Chromosomal theory of Inheritance, Linkage and Recombination, Polygenic Inheritance, Pleiotropy, Sex Determination: Sex determination in Human, Honey bee, Mutation, Genetic Disorders: Pedigree Analysis, Mendelian Disorders, Chromosomal Disorders.
Chapter 5: Molecular basis of Inheritance
THE DNA: Structure of Polynucleotide chain, Packaging of DNA Helix, The Search For Genetic Material, The Genetic Material is DNA, Properties of Genetic Material (DNA versus RNA), RNA World, Replication, The experimental proof, The Machinery and the Enzymes, Transcription: Transcription Unit, Transcription Unit and the Gene, Types of RNA and the Process of Transcription, Genetic Code: Mutations and Genetic Code, t-RNA-the adapter Molecule, Translation, Regulation of Gene Expression, the Lac Operon, Human Genome Project, Salient features of Human Genome, Applications and Future Challenges, DNA Fingerprinting.
Chapter 6: Evolution
Origin Of Life, Evolution of Life Forms-A Theory, What are the evidences for Evolution? What is Adaptive radiation? Biological Evolution, Mechanism of Evolution, Hardy-Weinberg Principle, A Brief Account of Evolution, Origin and Evolution of Man.
Chapter 7: Human Health and Disease
Common Diseases in Humans, Immunity, Innate Immunity, Acquired Immunity, Active and passive Immunity, Vaccination and Immunisation, Allergies, Autoimmunity, Immune System in the Body, AIDS, Cancer, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, Adolescence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Addiction and Dependence, Effects of Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Prevention and Control.
Chapter 8: Microbes in Human Welfare
Microbes in Household Products, Microbes in Industrial Products, Fermented Beverages, Antibiotics, Chemicals, Enzymes and other Bioactive Molecules, Microbes in Sewage treatment, Microbes in Production of Biogas, Microbes as Biocontrol Agents, Microbes as Biofertilizers.
Unit IX: Biotechnology
Chapter 9: Biotechnology-Principles and Processes
Principles of Biotechnology, Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology, Restriction Enzymes, Cloning Vectors, Competent Host (For Transformation with Recombinant DNA), Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology, Isolation of Genetic Material (DNA), Cutting of DNA at Specific Locations, Amplification of Gene of Interest using PCR, Insertion of Recombinant DNA into Host cell/Organism, Obtaining the foreign Gene product, Downstream Processing.
Chapter 10: Biotechnology and It’s Applications
Biotechnological Applications in Agriculture, Biotechnological Applications in Medicine, Genetically Engineered Insulin, Gene therapy, Molecular Diagnosis, Transgenic animals, Ethical Issues.
Unit X: Ecology
Chapter 11: Organisms and Populations
Populations, Population Attributes, Population Growth, Life History Variation, Population Interactions.
Chapter 12: Ecosystem:
Ecosystem-Structure and function, Productivity, Decomposition, Energy Flow, Ecological Pyramids.
Chapter 13: Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity, how many species are there on earth and how many in India? Patterns of Biodiversity, The Importance of Species Diversity to the Ecosystem, Loss of Biodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation- Why should we conserve Biodiversity? How do we conserve Biodiversity?
HBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
To check the complete syllabus with HBSE Class 12 Biology Practical Syllabus and Question Paper Design, click on the link below:
BSEH Class 12 Biology Prescribed Book:
- Biology Class-XII, Published by BSEH © NCERT
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