Jagran Josh
HBSE Exam Preparation Tips: HBSE Class 10, 12 practical examinations are scheduled to be conducted by respective HBSE affiliated schools from February 7, 2023 to February 15, 2023. Check here the 5 best tips and tricks to score more in HBSE Board practical exams.
HBSE Practical Exam Preparation Tips: The Chairman of Board of School Education Haryana (HBSE) and Secretary had jointly announced the 2023 HBSE practical exam date sheet through a press release recently. The Haryana Board practical exams 2023 will commence from February 7, 2023.
The practical examination results of classes 10 and 12 are an important aspect in the overall board exam results. The marks scored in HBSE Board practical examinations 2023 can uplift your overall results if performed well. It is very helpful in case your theory written exams did not go so well. The scores of practical exams can determine a lot! Therefore, practical exams must be taken seriously because they can make or break your plans for further studies.
In this article, we will be going through some tips and tricks for HBSE Class 10, 12 practical examinations which will start tomorrow. Using these HBSE Practical Exam Preparation Tips, students will feel confident about acing their exams.
HBSE Practical Exam 2023 Preparation Tips to Score More
TIP 1: Concept Clarity
Memorising all the experiments will only confuse you and might even lead to a disaster. Therefore, HBSE Class 10, 12 practical exams candidates must understand all the concepts and principles behind each experiment. When you understand the fundamentals, you would be able to demonstrate the same in your viva and the experiment and written test.
TIP 2: Experiment Process
Following the step by step process is very important for any experiment. Each step is important. No step in the whole procedure should be missed. If you miss one step, the whole experiment can go wrong and you could get so many marks if not all. Therefore, all BSEH students going to appear in the HBSE Practical exam must try to be clear with the procedure or methodology of all experiments.
TIP 3: Practise Diagram
Drawing clean and correct figures and diagrams which show all required materials, procedures, by-products and products is required to score good marks. For example, your diagram of a human body cell must clearly show the ribosomes, mitochondria, cell nucleus, etc.
TIP 4: Writing practice
For both HBSE written theory and the practical examinations, HBSE Board exam candidates of Classes 10, 12 board must practise to write at an optimum speed and in a clean and neat handwriting. Since the practical exams are time based where students must write, perform experiments and also appear in Viva, it is important for students to write well. Students should practise to write down all experiment procedure, observation, and drawing diagrams in the time limit.
TIP 5: Stay confident
If you are nervous about your exam preparation, you will not be able to perform your best. Your cognitive abilities will work at their best potential when you are focused yet confident.. Therefore, HBSE Practical exam students must sleep well, eat food properly and go into the examination hall with a full trust on their capability to do well.
HBSE Board Practical Exam 2023: Overview
Class 10, 12 HBSE Board Practical Exam 2023 |
Class 10 and Class 12 |
Regular Candidates |
Open School/ Mercy Chance/ Reappear/ Swayampathi Candidates |
Start date |
February 7, 2023 |
April 1, 2023 |
End date |
February 15, 2023 |
April 8, 2023 |
Check: HBSE Board Practical Exam 2023 Time Table
HBSE Board Practical Exam 2023: Important Resources
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