Jagran Josh
HBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus 2024: Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) has released the Mathematics (subject code 835) syllabus for the 12th students of the 2023-2024 academic year. The syllabus has the complete list of course content, question paper design and the list of prescribed books. Check the complete BSEH Maths syllabus 2024 and download its PDF from this article.
HBSE 12th Class Maths Syllabus Highlights and General Instructions
Class: 12
Subject: Mathematics
Code: 835
General Instructions:-
- There will be an Annual Examination based on the entire syllabus.
- The Annual Examination will be of 80 marks and 20 marks weightage will be for Internal Assessment.
3. For Internal Assessment:
There will be Periodic Assessment that would include:
i) For 06 marks- Two SAT exams will be conducted and will have a weightage of 04 marks towards the final Internal Assessment. There will be one Pre Board exam having a weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
ii) For 02 marks- One half yearly exam will be conducted and will have a weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
iii) For 02 marks- Subject teacher will assess and give maximum 02 marks for CRP (Classroom participation).
iv) For 05 marks- A project work to be done by students and will have a weightage of 05 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
v) For 05 marks- Attendance of student will be awarded 05 marks as:
Above 75% upto 80% |
1 |
Above 80% upto 85% |
2 |
Above 85% upto 90% |
3 |
Above 90% upto 95% |
4 |
Above 95% |
5 |
HBSE Class 12 Maths 2023-24 Course Structure
No |
Units |
Chapter |
Marks |
I |
Relations and Functions |
Chapter 1: Relations and Functions |
08 |
Chapter 2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions |
II |
Algebra |
Chapter 3: Matrices |
10 |
Chapter 4: Determinants |
Calculus |
Chapter 5: Continuity and Differentiability |
35 |
Chapter 6: Application of Derivatives |
Chapter 7: Integrals |
Chapter 8: Application of Integrals |
Chapter 9: Differential Equations |
IV |
Vectors and Three – Dimensional Geometry |
Chapter -10 : Vector Algebra |
14 |
Chapter 11: Three Dimensional Geometry |
V |
Linear Programming |
Chapter 12: Linear Programming |
05 |
VI |
Probability |
Chapter 13: Probability |
08 |
Total |
80 |
Internal Assessment |
20 |
Grand Total |
100 |
HBSE Maths Syllabus for Class 12 2023-24
Unit I: Relations and Functions
Chapter 1: Relations and Functions
1.1: Introduction
1.2 Types of Relations: Empty Relation, Universal Relation, Reflexive Relation, Symmetric Relation, Transitive Relation, Equivalence Relation
1.3 Types of Functions: Injective Function, Surjective Function, Bijective Function
1.4: Composition of Functions and Invertible Function: fog , gof , Invertible
Function definition, Examples:15,16,23
Miscellaneous Examples: 41,42,43,44,46,47,48,50,51
Miscellaneous Exercise: Questions 4,5,8,10,15,16,17
Chapter 2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Concepts: Principal value of Trigonometric Functions
2.3 Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Only related to sin(sin-1x) = x, x € [-1,1] and sin-1(sin x) = x , x € [-π/2,π/2] , Examples : 3,5,6 , Exercise 2.2 : Questions 1,2,5,7-11,13,16-21
Miscellaneous Example: 9
Miscellaneous Exercise: Questions 1-7,9-11,13-16
Unit II: Algebra
Chapter 3: Matrices
- Matrices
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Matrix: Order of a matrix
3.3 Types of Matrices : Column Matrix ,Row Matrix , Square Matrix ,Diagonal Matrix , Scalar Matrix , Identity Matrix ,Zero Matrix
3.3.1 Equality of Matrices
3.4 Operations on Matrices : 3.4.1 Addition of matrices, 3.4.2 Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar, 3.4.3 Properties of matrix addition ,3.4.4 Properties of scalar multiplication of a matrix, 3.4.5 Multiplication of matrices , 3.4.6 Properties of multiplication of matrices
3.5 Transpose of a Matrix : 3.5.1 Properties of transpose of the matrices
3.6 Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrices
3.8 Invertible Matrices : Definition of invertible matrix , Uniqueness of Inverse, Theorem 3,4
Exercise 3.4 : Question 18
Miscellaneous Examples : 27,28
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions 4-11 , 13-15
Chapter 4: Determinants
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Determinant : Determinants of matrices of order one, two and three
4.4 Area of a Triangle
4.5 Minors and Cofactors
4.6 Adjoint and Inverse of a Matrix
4.7 Applications of Determinants and Matrices : 4.7.1 Solution of system of linear equations using inverse of a matrix
Miscellaneous Example : 33
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions 1,3,7-10, 16,18,19
Unit III: Calculus
Chapter 5: Continuity and Differentiability
5.1 Introduction,
5.2 Continuity: 5.2.1 Algebra of continuous functions,
5.3 Differentiability: 5.3.1 Derivatives of composite functions , Chain Rule,5.3.2 Derivatives of implicit functions, 5.3.3 Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions
5.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions,
5.5 Logarithmic Differentiation ,
5.6 Derivatives of Functions in Parametric Forms ,
5.7 Second Order Derivative ,
Miscellaneous Examples : 44-48,
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions 1-18,20-23
Chapter 6: Application of Derivatives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Rate of change of Quntities
6.3 Increasing and Decreasing Functions
6.6 Maxima and Minima : Local Maxima , Local Minima ,First Derivative Test, Second Derivative Test , 6.6.1 Maximum and Minimum Values of a Function in a closed Interval ,Absolute Maximum, Absolute Minimum
Miscellaneous Examples : 42-44,47-51
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions 2,3,6-19
Chapter 7: Integrals
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation :7.2.2 Some properties of indefinite integral
7.3 Methods of Integration : 7.3.1 Integration by Substitution , 7.3.2 Integration
using Trigonometric Identities
7.4 Integrals of Some Particular Functions
7.5 Integration by Partial Fractions
7.6 Integration by Parts: 7.6.1 Integral of the type ∫ ex[ f (x)+f1(x) ] dx ,7.6.2 Integrals of some more types
7.8 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus : Area function and related numerical problems
7.9 Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Substitution
7.10 Some properties of Definite integrals
Miscellaneous Examples : 37-44
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions 1-18, 20-31, 33-39,41-43
Chapter 8: Application of Integrals
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Area under Simple Curves:
Examples 1,2 , Exercise 8.1 – Questions 1,2,4,5,12,13
Miscellaneous Exercise: Questions 1,4,5,16,17
Chapter 9: Differential Equations
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Basic Concepts : 9.2.1 Order of a Differential Equation ,9.2.2 Degree of a Differential Equation
9.3 General and Particular Solutions of a Differential Equation
9.5 Methods of Solving First Order ,First Degree Differential Equations:
9.5.1 Differential Equations with variables separable ,9.5.2 Homogeneous
Differential Equations ,9.5.3 Linear Differential Equations
Miscellaneous Examples : 24,26-28
Miscellaneous Exercise : Questions – 1,2,4,6-14,16-18
Unit IV: Vector and Three Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 10: Vector Algebra
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Some Basic Concepts : Definition of Vector ,Position Vector , Direction Cosines
10.3 Types of Vectors : Zero Vector, Unit Vector , Coinitial Vector , Collinear Vector , Equal Vectors ,Negative of a Vector
10.4 Addition of Vectors
10.5 Multiplication of a vector by a Scalar : 10.5.1 Components of a Vector ,
10.5.2 Vector joining Two Points ,10.5.3 Section Formula
10.6 Product of Two Vectors : 10.6.1 Scalar (or dot) Product of Two Vectors
10.6.2 Projection of a Vector on a line
10.6.3 Vector ( or cross ) product of Two Vectors
Miscellaneous Examples: 26-30
Miscellaneous Exercise : Do Full exercise
Chapter 11: Three Dimensional Geometry
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios of a Line
11.2.1 Relation between the direction cosines of a Line
11.2.2 Direction cosines of a line passing through two points
11.3 Equation of a Line in Space
11.3.1 Equation of a Line through a given point and parallel to a given vector
11.4 Angle between two Lines
11.5 Shortest Distance between Two Lines
11.5.1 Distance between two skew lines
11.5.2 Distance between two parallel lines
Exercise 11.2 : Questions – 1-7,10-17
Miscellaneous Examples : 26-30
Miscellaneous Exercise : 3,4 6,9,20
Unit V: Linear Programming
Chapter 12: Linear Programming
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Linear Programming Problem and its Mathematical Formation
12.2.1 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem
12.2.2 Graphical Method of solving Linear Programming Problems : Exercise
12.1 with 1 to 5 examples
Unit VI: Probability
Chapter 13: Probability
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Condition Probability
13.2.1 Properties of conditional probability
13.3 Multiplication Theorem on Probability
13.4 Independent Events
13.5 Bayes’ Theorem
13.5.1 Partition of a sample space
13.5.2 Theorem of total probability
Miscellaneous Examples : 33,36,37
Miscellaneous Exercise : 1-4,8,12-19
HBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
BSEH Class 12 Maths Prescribed Books:
- Textbook for class 12th : Mathematics Part-1 ,BSEH Publication (© NCERT) Mathematics Part-2 ,BSEH Publication (© NCERT)
- Exemplar Problems : Mathematics – Class XII (NCERT)
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