Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Starts Recruitment Drive For Design Trainees And Management Trainees – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

A total of 185 vacancies are available in these two positions.

The application process started on August 2 and the last date of application is August 22.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has opened up exciting opportunities for aspirants seeking roles as Design Trainees and Management Trainees (Technical). Reports suggest that a total of 185 vacancies are up for grabs in HAL, encompassing both Design Trainee and Management Trainee (Technical) positions. Interested individuals can access the application form on HAL’s official website, https://hal-india.co.in/. The application process kick-started on August 2 and is set to conclude on August 22.

Vacancy Breakdown:

Design Trainee: 95 positions

Management Trainee (Technical): 90 positions

Essential Qualifications:

Design Trainee: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautical, Mechanical, Electrical, or Electronics Engineering.

Management Trainee (Technical): A Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical, Production, Computer Science, or Metallurgy Engineering is required.

HAL Recruitment 2023 Overview:

The HAL Recruitment 2023 campaign, offering 185 coveted positions, has initiated the online application process at www.hal-india.co.in. The selection process will comprise a written test followed by a subsequent in-person interview.

Application Fees for HAL Recruitment 2023:

Applicants submitting their applications for HAL Recruitment 2023 are required to pay an application fee as part of the process. The fee structure is as follows:

General category candidates: Rs 500

ST, SC, and PwBD candidates: Rs 00

Steps to Apply Online for HAL Recruitment 2023:

Candidates seeking to submit their online applications for HAL Recruitment 2023 should follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Visit the official Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) website at www.hal-india.co.in.

Step 2: Click on the “Career” tab on the homepage to access the dedicated page for HAL Recruitment 2023.

Step 3: Choose the desired division, “HCL Corporate Office,” from the list of divisions.

Step 4: Click on the reset button to proceed to the new page.

Step 5: Look for the link “Selection of Design Trainees/Management Trainees (Tech.) (Advt. No. HAL/HR/25(46)/2023/01)” and click on it to access the application form.

Step 6: Search for the link “Click here to view” and begin the HAL Recruitment 2023 application process.

Step 7: Select the preferred post (management trainee or design trainee) and complete all required details.

Step 8: After submitting, ensure to obtain a printout of the application form for future reference.

Age Limit for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited:

As of August 22, 2023, candidates applying for HAL Recruitment 2023 under the UR and EWS categories should not exceed 28 years of age.

OBC, SC, ST, and EWS candidates applying for UR posts will adhere to the UR category’s age criteria.

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#Hindustan #Aeronautics #Starts #Recruitment #Drive #Design #Trainees #Management #Trainees #News18

By bpci

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