Hired Candidate Spotlight: Eugene Matvejev, Tech Lead at Discovery Inc.
Above, Eugene poses a question to a panel at a Meta (formerly Facebook) office meetup.

We’re excited to spotlight Eugene Matvejev, who recently secured a role at Discovery Inc. through the Hired platform. Let’s get to know a little bit about his diverse background and career journey.

Hi Eugene! Please share a little bit about about your educational background

I went into ‘gymnasium’ back in my homeland of Latvia, which is an academically rigorous secondary school. It’s designed for students who plan to pursue college degrees. 

Afterwards, I attended Riga Technical University (RTU) in Latvia and earned a Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science. Although I have the degree, I consider myself self-taught in many ways. I’ve attended lots of IT meetups, conferences, and mentored people who wanted to get into the tech industry.

That’s great! What areas are you currently curious to learn more about?

These days I am more interested in approaches, rather than code examples, as approaches are transferable. Code is usually bound to the framework, language, and/or library.

How has your skillset evolved over your career?

I started my career as a Java Developer, then I did some C++. Then I used a lot of PHP, but JavaScript was the only language present in all my jobs.

If your new role is different from previous ones, how so?

I do team leadership and I mentor people. I try to help them use their passion and  empower them to achieve even greater results. It’s very rewarding.

That’s so good to hear! What are you most excited about in your new role?

I joined Discovery, Inc., a company I’ve admired since early childhood. It’s been a great experience and I’m very happy.

Related: Discovery, Inc. was recently named to the inaugural Hired’s 2021 List of Top Employers Winning Tech Talent. See highlights from the List here.

What was your job searching experience like before signing up for Hired?

I’ve had mixed experiences with traditional, or what I consider to be “old school” recruiters. Some spend little time getting to know you or provide feedback. Some spend a lot of time on sync ups, which is hard to track and reply quickly, if you’re a busy person like me. If there are multiple recruiters from various companies or even contacts at the same organization, it can be a challenge to coordinate calendars.

What’s different about using Hired, based on your experience?

In Hired, it’s easy to communicate with recruiters and set up interviews. If you see a slot, click it and you’re done! If companies keep conversations inside the platform, invites are sent properly, they’re easy to find, and nothing gets missed. 

Related: See how Hired works for tech or sales professionals looking for a new role.

What’s your best advice for job seekers registered on the Hired platform?

I would say, be polite and respond as quickly as you can. People definitely appreciate it. Also, be upfront about what you’re looking for, such as remote or hybrid. I also dislike take-home tests, so I’m transparent about that. Instead I share my Github and the Githubs of people I’ve mentored. I also participate in pair programming and/or whiteboard sessions. 

Any other advice you’d like to share with tech professionals?

I like to check feedback on prospective companies on LinkedIn or Glassdoor, but what’s likely to affect your role most is the future manager. The right rapport with the manager is so important. 

Thank you for taking the time to share with us; congrats again!

Thank you!

If you’re an employer looking for great tech talent like Eugene, we invite you to learn more about the Hired marketplace and how we help connect teams with tech and sales talent.

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By bpci

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