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Phone interviews are often the first step in the interview process. And while parts of it are easier than an in-person interview (you don’t have to wear a suit or worry about sweaty palms), phone interviews have unique challenges.
You can’t rely on body language, facial expressions, or eye contact to help establish a personal connection, let alone gauge what the interviewer thinks of your answers. But it is possible to build a bond using just the sound of your voice!
5 Tips to Improve Your Next Phone Interview
1. Smile
The hiring manager can’t see you’re smiling, but they sure can hear it!
When you smile, your body releases more dopamine and serotonin, and these chemicals can make you feel happier and less stressed. This, in turn, will help you speak more confidently and radiate positivity.
Even though the interviewer can’t see you, they’ll be able to hear how positive and confident you are about your abilities and your fit for the role.
2. Practice a Story
Have a story you can tell to help break the ice during a phone interview. It might be work-related (like how you implemented a program that helped save the company time and money) or personal (your volunteering efforts at the community center). While you should know the most important facts inside and out, be sure it doesn’t sound too rehearsed.
3. Do Your Research
Savvy job seekers know that establishing a connection with a potential boss can make or break the job interview. So, if you know who will interview you, make an effort to research them.
You might talk about the time you worked as a marketing specialist, knowing that your boss-to-be also worked as one at the beginning of their career. Bonding over shared experiences can help make you more relatable, more memorable, and the candidate to beat.
4. Let It Flow
The one downside to a phone interview is that it’s blind. You can’t read the interviewer’s body language or facial expressions and vice versa. Engage your active listening skills to ensure you hear the entire question and don’t accidentally interrupt.
Let your interviewer finish speaking before jumping in to answer the question. And don’t feel rushed to spit out a response because that can come across as being nervous and unsure of your answers—and yourself. Pretend that your phone interview is simply a conversation between the two of you. That way, you can focus on actually having fun during your job interview and represent your skills and experience in the best possible light.
5. Don’t Be a “Yes” Person
Along those same lines, don’t feel that you have to agree with everything your prospective boss says. They want to know what you really think and how you really feel about the position. No hiring manager wants you to agree just for the sake of agreeing!
Don’t be afraid to disagree. Just be respectful, and you might learn more about the company and your boss!
Let Yourself Shine
There are many ways you can let your personality shine during a phone interview. Being prepared and proud of your accomplishments can help you relax and show who you really are to a potential boss.
One great way to prepare for any kind of interview is to practice. And while you could ask your friends to help, consider scheduling a mock interview with a FlexJobs career coach instead. Our in-house pros know all the tips and tricks to help you shine during your phone interview, virtual interview, or any interview at all. Schedule your session today!
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