Jagran Josh
Tips and Tricks to Crack IIT JEE in First Attempt: Here, students can get to know about various tips and tricks for cracking the IIT JEE exam. These tips are essentially useful for a student to crack IIT JEE in the first attempt. Find these useful tips for easing your preparation and cracking IIT.

Check tips to crack IIT JEE in the first attempt
Tips and Tricks to crack IIT JEE: Do you dream of getting admission into one of the most reputed institutions of India, IIT, but don’t know how to achieve it? IIT is one of the toughest exams to crack with heavy competition. Almost 12 lakh students appeared for the JEE Mains exam in 2023. Given the tough competition and hectic study schedule, students often get demoralized and distracted from their dream of cracking IIT JEE. All you need is some motivation and guidance to put you on the right track. If you are one of those who do not get good grades in academics but dream of getting admission into reputed colleges like IIT, then this article is for you. Here, we are not going to lecture you about how essential it is to be good at academics, we are going to help you achieve that through some easy tips and tricks.
The most common problem with students is the lack of dedication and motivation towards excelling in academics. Guess what, you don’t have to study 18-20 hours a day to crack tough exams like IIT JEE, all you need is enough knowledge and practice to be able to tackle all kinds of questions. It’s not about the information present in the books, it’s about the knowledge that you can grasp from just four lines of text and apply it in a manner that can get you the right answers. So, if you want to crack IIT JEE, check these effective tips and tricks presented below.
Also, check below the list of best books for all subjects, to crack IIT JEE Mains & Advanced.
Effective Tips and Tricks to Crack IIT JEE in the first attempt
- Prepare a study schedule– This is the foremost crucial step in fulfilling your dream of getting into IITs. Students are advised to prepare a study schedule based on their reading capacities and grasping abilities. You don’t have to make a timetable that is impossible to stick to. Divide your study hours into different sections across your day, and each section should not be more than 45 minutes to 1 hour. Take important small breaks in between these sections. The most important part is to devote at least one hour of your day to an activity that you like doing, be it your hobby or passion.
- Understand, Don’t Mug Up- Whatever you are reading or practising, ensure that you are getting hold of that information. Do not read the chapters or keep practising just for the sake of it. Make sure that even if you are spending 15 minutes reading, those 15 minutes have been useful for you. You have been able to catch hold of some information. Never mug up anything, except for some important formulas that can’t be learned otherwise.
- Practice Frequently– Students are advised to practice already studied concepts frequently. For example: if you have studied Electrochemistry today, make sure that you practise some of the important questions again within the same week. Consistent practice ensures that the information stays for a longer duration of time and recalls itself easily during revisions. Also remember, that practice is the key to achieving your goal of cracking IIT. Practise as much as you can from as many sources as possible.
- Meditate– At least 30 minutes of your day should be devoted to meditating. Meditation calms down your brain reactivates your power cells, helps you concentrate and focus better, and keeps you energised throughout the day. Usually, your day should begin with meditation, but if it is booked by some other important activity such as Dance, Zumba, Gym, or any other sport, you can plan it accordingly at any time of the day.
- Take some time out before sleeping– This is also an important tip for cracking IIT. At least 20 minutes prior to your sleeping time, take some time out and recall whatever you have studied throughout the day, what were the most important questions that you had solved, what formulas were used for the same, etc. If you want, you can also make a note of what concepts and questions were covered for the day.
- Reduce your phone time– As our moms tell us every day that this device is the reason for your distraction, we would advise you the same. The less amount of time you spend on your phone, the more concentrated and energised you will be. Do not spend your time scrolling through social media apps during your short study breaks. Devote a set time for your social media chitchats and phone time and stick to it. Reduce your social media usage to at least 70% more than normal days.
- Don’t miss out on essentials– Another key point is to stay updated and never miss out on any important information. When you are preparing for exams like IIT, there’s no room for small errors. Ensure that you are preparing for the right syllabus, and exam pattern, and using all the relevant and authentic sources for preparation. Refer to the videos posted online by subject and exam experts. Students should also use previous years’ papers, question banks, sample papers, etc. for preparation. If there’s any new book or paper in the market that all IIT students are referring to or if there’s a talk on some important topic for the exam, never miss out on it. Go and check what the buzz is about and use those materials for good.
- Focus on your mistakes and weaknesses– The most important part of your day should be to make mistakes and then learn from them. Introspect your weak points, find out which topic and subject you lack and what is your strong point. While holding your strong points, start working on your weaknesses. Your weakness can even be a lack of concentration, or disclarity of a certain topic, or disinterest in a particular subject. Even while practising, if you can’t find the right answer, check what process has to be followed and what the right answer will be, which formula will be used. Do not rush, ensure that you clear your doubts.
Best Books for IIT JEE Physics
- Concepts of Physics for JEE- By H.C Verma
- IIT JEE Physics 35 years Chapter-wise Solved papers- By D.C Pandey
- A Collection of Questions and Answers in Physics- By L.A Sena
- Fundamentals of Physics- By Robert Resnick
- Handbook of Physics- By Arihant Experts
Best Books for IIT JEE Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry- By P W Atkins
- Chemistry NCERT (XI & XII)- By CBSE Board
- Organic Chemistry- By O.P Tandon
- Inorganic Chemistry- By J.D Lee
- Numerical Chemistry- By P.Bahadur
Best Books for IIT JEE Maths
- Mathematics Class XI & XII- By R.D Sharma
- Advanced Problems in Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced- By Pankaj Joshi & Vikas Gupta
- Arihant Book Set for Skill in Mathematics for JEE Mains and Advanced- By S.K Goyal & Amit Agarwal
- Problems Plus in Mathematics- By A Das Gupta
- Pearson JEE Advanced Mathematics Calculus- By Om Sharma
We understand that cracking IIT is not a joke or an easy task, but if you’re determined enough to see through your goal and achieve it, then you can crack IIT on the first attempt. People don’t say this often but it is not the exam that is tough, it is the will to clear it. All you need to crack IIT is dedication, motivation, the right guidance, a proper balance of mental health and physical health, consistent practice, a proper study schedule, and clarity of concepts. No tuition or no classes in the world can give you the assurance of cracking IIT if you’re not motivated enough to believe that. If you liked this article, keep tuning in to JagranJosh for more educational content.
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