How to Create Content When You Don’t Have Time


Do you want to update your business’ blog or website regularly? It can be a chore to do it every week, especially if you have urgent tasks to deal with first.

However, if you genuinely want to showcase your expertise to your target audience, you do have to make an effort to find the time to produce content. Since time can be limited, here are some flexible ways how you can squeeze time to create content:

Organise Your Schedule

Take control of your time by finding a dedicated spot in your calendar for content creation. This simple act of organizing your schedule can empower you to consistently produce quality content.

Build a Habit

Some people tend to see content creation as a chore, even if they are passionate about the content they would be making. One way to avoid this problem is by building a habit of it so it feels natural for you to do. For example, you can incorporate it with another activity like reviewing new products or services. Once you do the activity, consider writing a blog or making a video about it.

As you do it, it will also increase the chances of getting your content done simultaneously every week and become a natural habit for you to do.

Refresh Your Content

Sometimes, writing new content regularly for your site can be challenging. If you don’t have something new to write, you can refresh your existing content. Not only does it take less time than completing new content, but it also allows you to review your content and make necessary updates if needed. 


Don’t force yourself to do it if you don’t have the time to create the content. Ask someone who can do it for you, such as a freelancer or a specialist, who can use the information you provide to make the appropriate content for your site. You can also use AI tools like Canva for graphic design, Lumen5 for video creation, or Jarvis for copywriting to help you speed up content creation, especially for videos or photos.

If you intend to hire someone else to do it for you, review the time you spend on this content and how much you are willing to pay for their services first.

Consider the average time it takes you to create a piece of content and the value of that time to your business. Then, compare it to the cost of outsourcing. This will help you determine if outsourcing is a cost-effective solution for your business.

Don’t Do Everything

It is best not to force yourself to create different types of content simultaneously. For example, if you create blogs, social media posts, and podcasts, focus on the one that delivers the attention your business truly needs. If you are unsure which type of content delivers more impressions, check your post’s analytics to get an idea.

Share your time management strategies for content creation in the comments below. You can never tell what will happen in your business, which can reduce the time you have to create content. However, if you genuinely want to be involved in the creation process, there are ways to overcome this problem. Use the tips above as a guide and update them according to your business needs. Once you find the right strategy, you will have more time to build content and have fun.

Want your website to become your passive income or bringing you leads? Check out these tips:
How Do You Deliver Content with Actual Value in Affiliate Marketing
Do People Really Care About Your Website Content?
Writing To Get The Point Across (Or In The Face)

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#Create #Content #Dont #Time

By bpci

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