How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner?

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Feb 15 • History optional, IAS Preparation • 1 Views • No Comments on How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner?

In this article on How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner? we will discuss about those coaching institute that provide the best education for the preparation of History optional subject in UPSC CSE.

Preparation for UPSC History optional has to be done systematically through strategic planning covering Ancient, Medieval, Modern Indian, and World History in every possible way. Thus, good guidance with a study plan and resources help aspirants put their best foot forward to score maximum in the optional subject. Plutus IAS is truly the most prestigious coaching institute for systematic preparatory methodologies with history optional.

How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner?

Here are the steps that after following you will create an impact in your History optional preparation.

Step 1: Understanding Syllabus and Exam Pattern.

The UPSC History Optional Paper has two papers. Paper 1 and Paper 2 with each carrying 250 marks make a total of 500 marks.

  • Paper I: Ancient and Medieval Indian History.
  • Paper II: Modern Indian History and the World.

Understand, scrutinize, and examine the complete UPSC syllabus to prioritize and inter-link topics accordingly.

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Step 2: The finest study materials one can procure.

Structured preparation is dependent on sourcing reliable and comprehensive books. Such examples of book recommendations include the following:

  • Ancient India: R.S. Sharma’s India’s Ancient Past, Upinder Singh’s A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India
  • Medieval India: Satish Chandra, Medieval India
  • Modern India: Bipan Chandra, India’s Struggle for Independence, Shekhar Bandopadhyay, Plassey to Partition
  • World History: Norman Lowe, Mastering Modern World History
  • Reference Books: NCERTs (Class 6-12), IGNOU notes, and previous years question papers.

Step 3: Structured Study Plan with Plutus IAS

Plutus IAS has endowed a well-defined study plan for optional History learners. The syllabus is decomposed into manageable portions along with a definite time frame. The coaching provided is based on:

  • Topic-Wise Lectures: Detailed explanations from expert faculty on historical events, concepts, and critical analysis.
  • Daily & Weekly Targets: Following the planned case timetables to cover the entire syllabus systematically.
  • Answer Writing Practice: Writing structured analytical and well-researched answers with the magic to score high in History optional.
  • Regular Mock Tests: Everyday test series conducted by Plutus IAS help students gauge their progress and improve answer-writing techniques.
  • Current Affairs Integration: To get a better understanding and application of these concepts in historical events, contemporary events with historical concepts are linked.

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Step 4: Perfect Note-Making

  • The subject is indeed very vast, and it necessitates the preparation of short and effective notes for last-minute revision. Aspirants should:
  • Timelines in chronological order for various phases of history.
  • Summaries of all major occurrences, including why and how they occurred, their consequence, dimension, and perception.
  • Diagrams, flow charts, and mind maps for easier retention.
  • Highlight the important historians’ views regarding things along with their interpretations.

Step 5: Work on Past Papers & Revise

The analysis of past UPSC questions can really prove beneficial in the knowledge of the examination pattern and the questions that are asked frequently. Revisions have to be repetitive if much of history has to be remembered; it is the only possible way. Ultimately, they prove beneficial in giving structured answers in a limited time and improving time management and accuracy.


History optional has to be prepared systematically to be scoring and high yield. Plutus IAS stands tall on the ladder of favorable coaching with structured and expert-guided evaluations making it rank among the few bests for any UPSC aspirant. History optional can be cracked, and chances of success in UPSC CSE increased with a really well-thought-out strategy, disciplined preparation, and repetitive revisions.

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How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner?


In this article on How to do Preparation for UPSC History Optional in a Structured Manner? we will discuss about those coaching institute that provide the best education for the preparation of History optional subject in UPSC CSE.



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