Jane Jackson Career
2022 seemed to go by in a flash! Now is the time to evaluate your career and set your goals for the new year. Is a new job on your list? Here’s how you can land a job you’ll love in 2023.
In 2020 and 2021, many people held on to their jobs and opted for security during the global pandemic. However, in 2022 most of us adjusted to a new way of working and living.
The job market in 2022 swayed in favour of candidates as they had more choice, salaries rose and job seekers expectations changed.
Employers had to consider the best ways to retain employees as the high rate of job mobility was a concern. Retention of key staff became a top priority.
According to the recent Seek Employment Report, competition for jobs was stiff as applications per job ad rose in ALL but two industries last year. Advertising, Arts & Media dipped by 2% and Healthcare & Medical had had no change.
If you want to land a job you’ll love in 2023 and ensure your career success, here are my top tips to keep your CAREER ON TRACK.
Take Stock of Where You’re at in Your Life and Career
Before you take action and look for a new job or reassess your career direction, you need career clarity. Reflect on your career achievements so far, and assess what really makes you tick. What do you love to do? What have you enjoyed most about each role you’ve held, the industry you work in, the company and the leaders and the people on your team?
Write all this down and analyse what motivates and de-motivates you. You may discover that what you are looking for is more meaningful work or something completely different.
Think about your practical preferences too including location, flexibility, length of commute, work-from-home options. Consider specific perks that come with certain roles (medical benefits, holiday options, opportunities for advancement and more).
If you have always wanted to work overseas as an ex-patriate, now that the world has opened up post-pandemic, you could also expand your search in another country as an additional option.
Complete the career clarity assessments in the Career Clarity Pack to analyse each one of your career preferences.
RELATED: 20 Top Tips to Land the Job You’ll Love
Keep Learning and Develop Your Skills and Knowledge
Things are changing rapidly in the world of work and the way we work is constantly disrupted by new technology and methodology. It is vital that we keep up to speed with changes that will affect our current role and the requirements of future roles.
Once you are clear on which direction you want to take your career, create your learning and development plan with your long-term career goals top of mind.
Some options you can take action on are:
Update Your Resumé
It’s a good career management tool to keep your resumé current and ensure that it is tailored towards the direction you wish to pursue.
Even if you haven’t made any changes in your career the past few years, you still must update your resumé. Every day you will have faced new challenges and will have learned something new to add to strengthen this valuable job search document.
Ensure you have a professional profile section that PROJECTS you in the direction you desire, include your tangible accomplishments (highlight the results and solutions you have provided). Add any additional information of interest that will be relevant to your target audience. Read more resumé and branding tips and download our free templates and checklists for your career.
Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Target Audience
With over 875 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is an essential tool to ramp up your career management, career change and job search strategies.
Keeping your profile up to date, optimised for search, and to build your personal brand is not only sensible, it is a requirement for your career success.
To kickstart your LinkedIn profile listen to these top 3 LinkedIn Tips and for more support check out the Career Success Program below.
RELATED: Subscribe to Top LinkedIn Tips on YouTube
Expand Your Professional Network and Reach Out
It’s important that you allow people to know what you bring to the table. If your target audience understand the solutions and the value you bring to the table, you will be able to gain recommendations, referrals and suggestions on how to reach your desired direction.
Let people know that you are open to exploring a new direction and ask for their advice and guidance. If you are a reluctant networker, learn how to network effectively without feeling stressed.
You can update your LinkedIn profile by letting recruiters know that you are open to opportunities. But I don’t recommend adding the green banner that says #OpenToWork – it’s far better to reach out individually to discuss your situation. For more LinkedIn Tips follow my LinkedIn profile.
Download my free Networking Template to keep you on track as you expand your network.
Get a Career Coach to Support Your and Fast-Track Your Job Search
Career coaching helps both individuals and organisations to navigate career crossroads. First you must understand what career coaching is. Career coaching is when a coach works one-on-one or with a group of professionals to reach their career goals and career potential. This can be done face to face or online. Through one-on-one coaching or a blend online courses and virtual support.
A career coach will help you with confidence building, career planning, career changes, job search advice, and provide support to make the right career decisions.
A good career coach will personalise their approach to fit your needs and specific requirements and guide you towards success with empathy, practical guidance and emotional support during challenging or stressful times.
Start your New Year on track for career success. Reach out to Jane Jackson to book a complimentary Career Clarity Chat or explore how the CAREER SUCCESS PROGRAM will fast-track your career.
Find out if you are ready for career success – take the CAREER QUIZ. It’s free and only takes 2 minutes. Find out exactly what you need for career success and receive your results, analysis and recommendations immediately!
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Jane Jackson
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