How to Utilize Technology in Education | Mike McRitchie | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer

Mike McRitchie | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer | Telecom Marketing Content Writer

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The way students are learning in a classroom is significantly different from how the academic system was initially designed. This is because behaviors, careers, and rights have changed over time, as well as the introduction of technology. Technology is powerful and can be utilized in many positive ways in education to benefit students and excel in their careers. However, many education systems are not using technology as much as they could be. This is a result of several factors; from budget cuts to lack of knowledge. 

Technology is important because it helps students understand and connect to the real world, prepares children for working life with basic skills that are necessary to survive, can support learners with different needs and provide students with easy access to information. 

With the way the world has changed, there has never been a more important time to utilize technology in education. 

#1 Training for teachers

Utilizing technology in schools is going to change the way that teachers have to teach. This means that teachers will need help and support to ensure they can effectively use technology and share it with students. If teachers are getting support, they are more likely to have a positive attitude and embrace technology, which will positively reflect on their students. If they don’t, schools may come up against some resistance. This can be done with training courses and a slow rollout of technology across the school. 

#2 Seek support

Seeking professional IT support for stem education is a great way to help you utilize technology in education. This will enable teachers to focus on delivering the best class possible and supporting their students, and not having to worry about troubleshooting or problem solving any technical issues that may arise. This will take the pressure off them, and enable the school to have top-tier technology that will help the students’ aspirations. 

#3 Be proactive 

There are many different ways that you can utilize technology in education. Here are some of the best examples to help spark inspiration and make positive changes to your school and teaching styles.


You can utilize technology to upgrade your slideshows. These are common in most classes, so it won’t be hard to adapt. You can make slideshows with multimedia elements so that you can keep your students engaged longer, for example, by using soundtracks, animations, and GIFs

Virtual tours

Technology can help students get excited about the class. For example, imagine how they would feel if you were able to take them on a virtual tour throughout history, so they can immerse themselves in what it would be like. This will enable them to have an experience they are more likely to remember, and enjoy 

Teaching videos 

Videos are a great way to capture the attention of students and help them remember key concepts. In a world where children spend their free time on social media platforms, this will enable you to tailor education to their needs. With short videos being popular, children are going to find it harder to stay focused on long texts

Technology is a key part of education. Follow these top tips to utilize them in your school.

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