Jagran Josh
HPPSC HPAS Exam Analysis 2022: Download the HPPSC HPAS Prelims Analysis for both papers here. Also, check the overall good number of attempts and exam analysis here.
HPPSC HPAS Exam Analysis 2022: The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission conducted the HPAS Prelims exam on October 16, 2022, in two sessions. Candidates who have applied for the exam and have attempted the same have shared their feedback and review for the exam. Candidates must go through the HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Analysis to get an idea of the overall difficulty level of the exam.
The commission is expected to release the official answer key for HPAS Prelims Exam in the coming days. Candidates will be able to download the answer key in the PDF file from the official portal. It is advised to keep a key on the website for the latest update related to the answer key and results of the HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam 2022.
Download Govt Exams Calendar for Oct 2022
HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern 2022
The HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam is a screening test only with two objective-type papers. Each paper carries 200 marks and a total of 400 marks. The duration for each paper will be 2 hours. As per the marking scheme, two mark is assigned for each correct response, and 1/3rd mark is deducted for incorrect answers marked by the candidate. The exam pattern is detailed below:
Paper Name |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
General Studies (Paper I) |
100 objective-type questions |
200 |
2 hours |
Aptitude Test (Paper II) |
100 objective-type questions |
200 |
2 hours |
HPPSC HPAS Overall Difficulty Level
The candidates who have attempted the HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam have stated that the overall level of the exam was moderate-difficult. As per the feedback, there were multiple statement-oriented questions asked in General Studies (Paper I) and the level of questions was moderate to difficult. However, the level of questions asked in the Aptitude Test (Paper II) was easy to moderate. Go through the table to know about the subject wise level and number of good attempts in the exam.
Paper I |
Subject |
HPPSC HPAS Exam Level |
Overall Good Attempts |
History |
Moderate |
7-8 |
Polity |
Easy |
8-9 |
Economics |
Moderate |
7-8 |
Geography & Environment |
Moderate |
15-16 |
Ecology |
Easy |
5-6 |
GK Himachal Pradesh |
Difficult |
10-11 |
Current Affairs |
Easy |
6-7 |
Total |
Moderate- Difficult |
58-65 |
Paper II |
Math & DI |
Easy |
17-18 |
Reasoning |
Moderate |
28-30 |
English |
Easy |
30-32 |
Total |
Easy to Moderate |
75-80 |
HPPSC HPAS Paper Wise Exam Analysis
According to the feedback of the candidates, the level of question asked in the exam was moderate to difficult. Go through the section below to know about the paper-wise analysis of the HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam.
Download HPPSC HPAS 2022 Prelims Exam Pattern & Syllabus
HPPSC HPAS Exam Analysis for Paper I
The level of questions asked in Paper I was majorly moderate to difficult. As per the feedback, the questions asked in GK Himachal Pradesh were the most difficult & lengthy whereas the question asked in the History subject were mostly from Modern & Ancient History.
Subject |
HPPSC HPAS Exam Level |
Number of Questions |
History |
Moderate |
11 |
Polity |
Easy |
11-12 |
Economics |
Moderate |
11 |
Geography & Environment |
Moderate |
26 |
Ecology |
Easy |
9 |
GK Himachal Pradesh |
Difficult |
20 |
Current Affairs |
Easy |
11 |
HPPSC HPAS Exam Analysis for Paper II
The level of questions asked in the Paper Ii was easy to difficult. With that, the subject-wise attempts were highest for the English & Maths section. Whereas, the candidate struggle to attempt the questions in Reasoning as it was a bit tricky in nature.
Subject |
HPPSC HPAS Exam Level |
Number of Questions |
Math & DI |
Easy |
Maths-12 DI- 13 |
Reasoning |
Moderate |
38 |
English |
Easy |
37 |
We hope this article on HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Analysis was helpful for our readers. The HPPSC HPAS Selection process will be conducted in three stages, i.e., Preliminary exam, the Main (Written) exam, and the Personality Test round. Candidates need to score the minimum qualifying marks in the prelims exam in order to be shortlisted for the mains examination. However, the final merit list will be prepared based on the score obtained in the main written exam and personality test.
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