Jagran Josh
Himachal Pradesh PSC has declared the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS) Exam Result on its official website-hppsc.hp.gov.in. Download pdf here.

HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023 Download
HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has declared the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS) Combined Competitive (Main) Exam Result on its official website. The Commission has also released the personality test schedule for the candidates qualified in mains exam for Administrative Services. All those candidates who appeared in the HPAS Combined Competitive Mains exam conducted from February 03, 2022 onwards can download the provisional result for the above posts from the official website of HPPSC-hppsc.hp.gov.in.
The pdf of the provisional result for Combined Competitive (Main) Exam can also be downloaded directly through the link given below.
Direct Link To Download: HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023
According to the short notice released, a total of 519 candidates were declared qualified in the preliminary Examination of Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS)exam. Out of which, a total of 450 candidates appeared in the main examination for the above posts.
Based on the performance of candidates in mains exam for above posts, a total 44 candidates have qualified for the personality test (interview) round as per the selection process for the above posts.
All the candidates qualified in HPAS Combined Competitive (Main) Examination-2021 should note that Commission will be conducting the interview from May 8 to May 16, 2023 at the venue -H.P. Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla.
The detailed interview schedule, attestation form, personality test call letters etc will be uploaded on the official website of the Commission in due course of time.
Steps To Download: HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023
- First of all visit the official website of HPPSC- hppsc.hp.gov.in.
- Click on the link-Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS) Combined Competitive (Main) Exam Result under what’s new section available on the Home Page.
- A new Window will open where you will get the pdf of the result.
- Download and save it for your future reference.
When the interview for Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS) post is schedule?
The interview for the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (HPAS) will be held from May 8 to May 16, 2023.
How one can download the HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023?
You can download the HPPSC HPAS Mains Result 2023 after clicking the concerned link given on home page.
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