HRTC Conductor 2023 exam date announced at, check details here – Times of India

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HPPSC Conductor Recruitment 2023: The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has released the tentative schedule for screening test for the recruitment of the posts Conductor (Class III, Non-Gazetted). Candidates who have registered for the recruitment can check the exam dates here or on the official website at
As per the schedule, the HPPSC will conduct the screening test for the Conductor (Class-III, Non-Gazetted) on a contract basis in HRTC under the Department of Transport, H.P. on December 10, 2023. Through this recruitment drive, the Commission aims to fill a total of 360 posts of Conductor in HRTC under the Department of Transport, H.P.
The exam will be conducted in various districts of Himachal Pradesh, including Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Dharamshala, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Nahan, Solan, Una, Keylong, Reckong Peo.Scheme of Examination
There shall be Objective Type Examinations (MCQ) (either online or offline). Marks obtained in Objective Type
Examination (MCQ) shall be counted for deciding the merit of candidates. The candidates, who will qualify for the objective type examination, will have to appear for verification of documents to ascertain their eligibility and category claimed. The final selection of candidates will be made purely on the basis of marks obtained in the Objective Type Examination only.
How to check HRTC Conductor Exam Date 2023?
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission at
Step 2: On the homepage, go to the ‘What’s New’ section
Step 3: Click on the link that reads, “Press Note – Regarding Screening Test for the Post(s) of Junior Scientific Officer held on 29.10.2023”
Step 4: A PDF of the exam schedule will open on the screen
Step 5: Download and take a printout of the same for future reference
Admit Card
No admit cards/ call letters will be sent by post and provisionally admitted candidates will have to download their respective admit cards along with instructions for the concerned post(s0 from the official website of the Commission.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question 1. What is the purpose of the HPPSC’s tentative schedule for the Conductor (Class-III, Non-Gazetted) recruitment screening test?
Answer: The HPPSC’s tentative schedule for the Conductor (Class-III, Non-Gazetted) recruitment screening test is released to inform candidates of the examination dates for this recruitment process.
Question 2. When will the screening test for the Conductor (Class-III, Non-Gazetted) posts in HRTC, Himachal Pradesh, be conducted?
Answer: The screening test for the Conductor (Class-III, Non-Gazetted) posts in HRTC, Himachal Pradesh, is scheduled to be conducted on December 10, 2023.
Question 3. How many Conductor posts is the HPPSC aiming to fill under the Department of Transport, Himachal Pradesh, through this recruitment drive?
Answer: The HPPSC aims to fill a total of 360 posts of Conductor in HRTC under the Department of Transport, Himachal Pradesh, through this recruitment drive.

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Saurav Pandey

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