Jagran Josh
HSSC CET Group C Cut Off 2024: The Haryana Staff Selection Commission releases cut-off marks along with the declaration of results. It will be released through the official website. All those aspirants who score above the minimum qualifying marks will be eligible to proceed further in the recruitment process. Here, we have mentioned everything you need to know about Haryana CET Group C cut-off including, tentative release date, steps to download, factors affecting cut-off along with other important details.
HSSC Group C Cut-Off 2024
The Haryana Staff Selection Commission will announce HSSC CET Group D cut-off 2024 for the Mains exam in February 2024, tentatively. The cut-off is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to secure in order to proceed further in the recruitment process. It is determined by several factors including the number of vacancies, candidates who appeared for the exam, aspirants’ performance and the paper’s difficulty level. We will notify you when the commission issues the category-wise cutoff marks on its website. So, stay tuned!
Haryana CET Group C Mains Cut-Off 2024
HSSC conducted the HSSC Mains exam on January 6 & 7, 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam are now eager to find out who did well and are eligible to appear for the next recruitment stage. The HSSC Group C cut-off 2024 for Mains exam is expected to be released in February 2024. However, the official dates are yet to be announced.
How to Check HSSC CET Group C Cut-Off
Candidates appearing in the exam must download the cut-off marks from the official website. They can follow the below-mentioned steps to check the Haryana CET Cut-off marks.
Step 1: Visit the official website of HSSC at hssc.gov.in.
Step 2: Go to the result tab and click on the cut-off marks download link.
Step 3: A pdf will open in a new tab.
Step 4: Category-wise cut-off marks will be mentioned in the file for all subjects.
Factors Affecting Haryana CET Group C Cut-Off
Several factors influence the HSSC CET Group C cut-off. Aspirants must be aware of these factors to ensure they score above the minimum qualifying marks and successfully clear the exam.
- Total number of vacancies: The number of vacancies announced directly affects the cut-off. When the total number of vacancies announced by the commission is high, the cut-off marks may be lower. Conversely, if fewer vacancies are released, the cut-off will be higher.
- Difficulty level of the exam: If the exam is exceptionally easy, the cut-off marks will be high.
- Number of candidates: If there is a huge number of applicants, the cut-off could be higher.
- Candidates’ performance: Aspirants’ good performance or a high number of good attempts will also result in high cut-off marks.
Haryana CET Group C Minimum Qualifying Marks
The commission announces minimum qualifying marks along with the notification. Candidates who will score equal to or more than the qualifying marks will be eligible to appear for the subsequent stages.
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