Jagran Josh
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released postponed and uploaded the revised TGT exam schedule on its official website-hssc.gov. Download pdf here.

HSSC TGT Revised Exam Date 2023
HSSC TGT Exam Date 2023 Postponed: Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released postponement notice for the TGT exam schedule on its official website. The Commission has released the revised exam schedule for various Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) posts on its official website. All those candidates who have applied successfully for the TGT posts of Elementary Education Department, Haryana against Advt.
No. 02/2023 of various categories can download the HSSC TGT Exam Revised Date 2023 from the official website of HSSC-hssc.gov.
However you can download the HSSC TGT Exam Date 2023 postponement notice directly through the link given below.
Direct Link To Download: HSSC TGT Exam Date 2023
According to the short notice released, the written exam for various TGT
posts (ROH and Mewat Cadre) of Elementary Education Department, Haryana against Advt.No. 02/2023 of various categories have been postponed and revised schedule has been uploaded.
The short notice further says, ” The written examination (OMR Based) for the various TGT posts (ROH and Mewat Cadre) of Elementary Education Department, Haryana against Advt. No. 02/2023 of various categories, which was to be held on 22.04.2023 (Saturday) & 23.04.2023 (Sunday), will be conducted on dated 30.04.2023 (Sunday), 13.05.2023 (Saturday) & 14.05.2023 (Sunday) on administrative ground.”
HSSC TGT Revised Exam Date 2023: Overview
Name of the Post | Cat. No. | Date, Session & Time of Examination |
TGT Sanskrit | 06 & 10 | 30.04.2023 (Sunday) |
TGT Music | 03 & 14 | 30.04.2023 (Sunday) |
TGT Urdu | 08 & 11 | 30.04.2023 (Sunday) |
TGT Social Studies | 17 | 13.05.2023 (Sunday) |
TGT English | 01 | 14.05.2023 (Sunday) |
TGT Arts | 05 & 16 | 14.05.2023 (Sunday) |
You are advised to check the schedule from the official website.
How one can download the HSSC TGT Revised Exam Date 2023?
You can download the HSSC TGT Revised Exam Date 2023 after clicking the link given on the official website.
#HSSC #TGT #Exam #Date #Postponed #hssc.gov #Download #Revised #Schedule