Jagran Josh
IB ACIO Memory Based Question: The Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, initiated the IB ACIO exam to recruit candidates for the position of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade 2 Executive. It will be held on 17th and 18th January to fill 990 vacancies. The officials have already conducted the IB ACIO 2024 exam on January 17 for all three shifts. The overall difficulty level of the exam was rated as easy-to-moderate, with overall good attempts ranging from 64 to 74. In this article, we have shared the IB ACIO Memory Based Questions asked in the exam to acquaint you with the types of questions that are asked in the exam.
IB ACIO Memory Based Paper 2024
The Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs has successfully conducted the IB ACIO exam on 17 January 2024 across the country. This exam, scheduled for January 17 and 18, aims to fill 990 vacancies for the position of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade 2 Executive. Based on feedback from candidates who appeared for the exam, here are some memory-based questions asked in IB ACIO exam conducted on 17 January.
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IB ACIO Memory Based Questions
As per the feedback from candidates who appeared in the IB ACIO exam on January 17, 2024, here are some memory-based questions along with their answers that were asked in the exam. These IB ACIO memory based questions are based on the recollections of candidates and may not represent the exact wording from the actual exam paper. Thus, candidates are advised to refer to the official answer key and question paper provided by the exam conducting authority to know the exact question. The IB ACIO answer key is expected to be released in the third week of January 2024.
IB ACIO Memory Based Questions with Answers
Question 1: What is India’s rank in the Climate Change Performance Index 2023?
Answer: Seventh
Question 2: What is the synonym of Obviate?
Answer: Preclude, Prevent, Remove etc.
Question 3: Question on Women’s Amendment Bill and Mitra Sakti.
Answer: The bill, also known as the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, is the 128th Constitutional Amendment Bill introduced to reserve one-third of the seats in Lok Sabha, State legislative assemblies, and the Delhi assembly.
Question 4: Question on Diphu Pass.
Answer: Diphu Pass is situated in Arunachal Pradesh, near the disputed tri-point borders of India, Myanmar, and China.
Question 5: There was one question based on the Human Development Index.
Question 6: A question was asked on NISAR
Answer: NASA and ISRO are jointly developing the Low Earth Orbit observatory known as NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR).
Question 7: Question related to UNESCO
Answer: UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It was established on 16 November 1945 and is governed by the General Conference and the Executive Board.
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