Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or IBPS has activated the link of pre exam training (PET) for the recruitment examination of Probationary Officers. Those who had opted for the facility can login through the link given on and take it.
Training will close on September 17.
The preliminary examination under the Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer/Management Trainee (IBPS CRP PO/MT 2023) is scheduled for September or October and call letters or admit cards will be released this month.
The detailed schedule of IBPS PO 2023 will be announced along with admit cards.
This recruitment drive of IBPS PO/MT 2023 will fill a total of 3049 Probationary Officer vacancies at participating banks.
The total number of vacancies to be filled through this recruitment drive is 3049.
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