IBPS PO Main exam on November 5, check exam day instructions

Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times

The Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct the IBPS Main exam on November 5. The IBPS will fill 3049 PO positions overall this year. The duration of the main examination will be three hours and thirty minutes. Applicants should keep in mind to download and print their admit card from the official website, ibps.in.

IBPS PO Main exam pattern: Objective and descriptive tests

IBPS PO Main exam pattern: The online main examination for the post of Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee will consist of an objective test of 200 marks and a descriptive test of 25 marks. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.


Exam date, reporting time and Venue address are mentioned on the call letter

Candidates need to paste their photograph on the call letter and need to bring one more photograph in addition.

Candidates need to follow the instructions of the test administrator and bank representative at the examination venue. In case of violation candidates will be disqualified and will be asked to leave the examination venue.

No calculators, books, notebooks, written notes, cell phones or any electronic devices are allowed during the examination .

Candidates need to bring the call letter of the main examination along with the authenticated/ stamped call letter of the online preliminary examination and an authenticated photocopy of the identity proof. Candidates should note that ration cards and driving licences will not be accepted as valid proof.

Candidates need to bring their own ballpoint pen and blue ink stamp pad. Rough sheets will be provided at the exam venue. Candidates must return the rough sheets to the invigilator before leaving the venue.

For more details, candidates can visit the official website of IBPS at ibps.in.

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By bpci

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