ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023 Soon; T1 Merit List Direct Link iari.res.in, Cut off

Jagran Josh

ICAR IARI Technician 2023 Result will be announced soon by the Indian Council of Agriculture and Research.  Check Direct Link to download IARI T1 Marks, Selection List, Cutoff and Latest Updates Here.

ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023

ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023

ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023: Indian Council of Agriculture and Research (ICAR) is soon going to release the result for the post of Technician for a total of 802 vacancies on its official website. The exam was conducted on 7 July, 8 and 10 July in multiple shifts.  The link will be generated on the official website. The result is expected in the month of August 2023.

ICAR IARI Technician Result Link

The ICAR IARI T1 Result will be announced on the official website of ICAR, i.e., iari.res.in and the direct link from the official website will also be served in this article. The candidates should bookmark this page for the latest updates.

ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023 Overview

The important details regarding the result is provided in the table below:



Exam Name

ICAR IARI Technician Exam


 Technician- T1





Selection Process

Computer-Based Test (CBT)

ICAR IARI Technician  Result 2023

July 2023

Official Website


ICAR T1 Result: Steps To Download ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023

Career Counseling

Step 1: Visit the official website of ICAR IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute).

Step 2: Find “Results” or “Recruitment” section on the website’s homepage.

Step 3: Click on “ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023”.

Step 4: Provide your registration number or roll number, and date of birth.

Step 5: ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023 will appear on your screen.

ICAR IARI Technician Result 2023 Cut Off 

There were questions on 100 MCQs on General Knowledge, Maths, Science, and Social Science. The candidates can check the difficulty level of the questions in the table below

Subject Name

Difficulty Level

General Knowledge

Easy to Moderate





Social Science

Easy to Moderate

Overall Difficulty Level


The cutoff will be published along with the release of the result. Students should keep track of the official website for the latest updates regarding the selection list.

The online exam was held on 07, 08 and 10 July 2023. The answer key for the same was made live on 13 July and the objections were invited till 15 July 2023 (11:55 PM).

Source link

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By bpci

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