Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
ICMR – National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai is inviting online applications for Technical Assistant and Laboratory Attendant vacancies. Eligible candidates can apply for it up to November 8, 5:30 pm on
This recruitment drive is for a total of 33 group B Technical Assistant and 14 group C Laboratory Attendant vacancies. Here are more details:
Technical Assistant (Biostatistics): 6 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Networking): 1 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Programmer): 5 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Laboratory): 5 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Research Management): 1 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Social Science): 2 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Public Health): 5 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Field Activities): 5 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 2 vacancies
Technical Assistant (Communication): 1 vacancies
Laboratory Attendant-1 (Laboratory): 2 vacancies
Laboratory Attendant-1 (Air Conditioning): 1 vacancies
Laboratory Attendant-1 (Plumber): 1 vacancies
Laboratory Attendant-1 (General): 10 vacancies
To check eligibility criteria, age limit, salary, etc, view the notification.
Admit cards of the examination will be out in the third week of November and the written exam is schedule for the fourth week of November.
The application fee for this recruitment drive is ₹300. women, SC, ST, PwBD, ex servicemen (ESM) candidates are exempted from paying the fee. ICMR employees are not exempted from paying the application fee.
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