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ICSE exam 2025: The ICSE examinations 2025 for Class 10 students are set to commence on February 18, with the first paper—English Language—scheduled at 11 AM. With over a month of crucial assessments ahead, it’s essential that candidates are well-versed in the examination day guidelines provided by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). These instructions ensure a smooth and orderly examination process, contributing to an environment conducive to focused learning and fair assessments.
Timely arrival and seating protocol
Students must arrive at the examination venue at least 30 minutes before the start time of their paper. This mandatory seating time ensures candidates have enough room to settle in, prepare, and go over any final instructions before the clock starts ticking.
No early departures allowed
Once the exam commences, candidates cannot leave the examination hall until the paper concludes. This rule ensures all students have equal time to complete their assessments and prevents disruptions.
Handling missing stationery or materials
In case a question requires a map or additional materials that have not been provided, students should immediately bring it to the attention of the supervising examiner. It’s crucial to address this before the exam begins to avoid any unnecessary delays during the exam itself.
Carefully follow instructions
The first page of the question paper will contain general instructions, including the number of questions to attempt. Students are urged to read these carefully, ensuring they don’t miss any critical details, such as specific question instructions or rubric requirements.
Stick to the question count
Candidates are expected to attempt only the number of questions mentioned in the paper. Answering extra questions may result in unnecessary time expenditure, which could affect overall performance.
Marking key information clearly
It’s mandatory for candidates to write their Unique ID, Index Number, and Subject clearly on the top sheet of their main answer booklet. This information must also be written on each continuation booklet, as well as on any loose sheets, maps, or graph papers used during the exam.
Adherence to writing guidelines
Only Black or Blue ink is allowed for writing on the answer booklet. Additionally, candidates should refrain from scribbling on the top sheet and must place their signature in the designated space.
Organize your answer booklet
Candidates are advised to leave margins on both sides of the answer sheet. Each new answer should begin on a fresh line, and question numbers should be clearly marked in the left-hand margin. Do not copy the question in your answer booklet. Neatness matters—spelling and handwriting will be considered when evaluating the answers.
Use of writing tools
While pens (Black/Blue ink) should be used for written answers, candidates may use pencils only for diagrams. Mathematical and drawing instruments, including colour pencils, may be brought in for relevant subjects. However, the use of electronic devices, calculators, and similar gadgets is strictly prohibited.
Time management
In addition to the exam time, a 15-minute reading period is allocated for understanding the questions. Students should carefully read the entire paper and avoid spending too much time on a single question. It is important to move at a steady pace to ensure that all questions are addressed within the given time frame.
Handling continuation booklets
If additional continuation booklets are needed, they will be issued only once the initial booklet is filled. Students should attach all used and unused continuation booklets to the main answer booklet, making sure they are organized properly.
Arrangement of answer scripts at submission
Once the allotted time is up, candidates must arrange their answer scripts in sequential order, starting with the first page on top. The Unique ID, Index Number, and Subject Paper should be written on each continuation booklet, graph sheet, or map. Answer scripts should be fastened together at the top-left corner and handed in unfolded.
By adhering to these guidelines, candidates will not only ensure they meet the requirements of the examination but also reduce the likelihood of stress or confusion during the exam day. With these instructions in mind, students can focus on performing their best and showcasing their learning in the upcoming ICSE exams.
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