ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages-Group III (French, Spanish, German) Syllabus 2022-23: Download PDF

Jagran Josh

ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages Exam 2023: This article will take you through the detailed ICSE Class 10 French, Spanish, and German syllabus. You may download the syllabus pdf as well. Read the complete article to resolve your query.

Download ICSE Class 10 French, Spanish, German Syllabus 2022-23 pdf

Download ICSE Class 10 French, Spanish, German Syllabus 2022-23 pdf

ICSE Class 10 French, Spanish, German Syllabus 2023: Modern Foreign Languages-Group III elective Exam for class 10 ISCE is scheduled for the coming Thursday, March 23, 2023. This exam will of 100 marks that students have to complete within 2 hours of time. The paper codes will be as follows: French (53), Spanish (54), and German (55). 

Students should be aware of a few important pointers for their upcoming ICSE Class 10 Modern Foreign Languages-Group III exam. 

Important Pointers to remember:

  • Candidates opting for a Modern Foreign Language as a Group III subject may not opt for the same language under Modern Foreign Languages as a Group I and Group II subject.
  • Note: The Syllabi for Modern Foreign Languages (Group III) have not been changed.
  • Papers will be set in French (53), Spanish (54), German (55) and other foreign languages on request.
  • There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and an Internal Assessment of 100 marks
  •  All questions will be compulsory


(Under Group – III)


THEORY – 100 Marks

Question 1: 

Candidates will be required to write, in the language, one short composition of 250 words approximately, that may include short explanations, directions, descriptions or narratives. There will be a choice of subjects that will be varied and may be suggested by language or other stimuli such as pictures or objects.

Question 2:

Candidates will be required to write a letter of approximately 150 words from a choice of two subjects. Suggestions may be given. The layout of the letter, with address, introduction, conclusion, etc. will form part of the assessment.

Question 3:

One short passage will be set for translation from the language into English. 

Question 4:

An unseen passage of about 150 words will be given in the language. Questions in the language will be set, to be answered in the language, designed to test the candidate’s understanding of the context of the passage

Question 5:

There will be a number of short answer questions to test the candidate’s knowledge of functional grammar, structure and usage of the language. These will include, tenses, pronouns, plurals, feminines and ‘make sentences with given words’.


Candidates will be required to complete a minimum of five assignments for Class X as assigned by the teachers. The assignments should cover the following areas:

  1. Creative writing.
  2. Aural comprehension.
  3. Oral.
  4. Research projects

Suggested Assignments

Creative Writing:

Students are to write short compositions the stimuli being:

(i) a piece of recorded music;

(ii) a recorded series of sounds;

(iii) a picture/photograph;

(iv) an opening sentence or phrase;

(v) a newspaper/magazine clipping or report;

One piece of factual writing which should be

informative or argumentative; one piece of expressive

writing which is descriptive and imaginative;

preparation of a film/book review.


Prepared speech/ declamation; impromptu speech / debate / discussion; report / interview; elocution; role-play / general conversation on selected topics.


Listening to a conversation/talk/reading of a short passage and then writing down the relevant or main points in the specified number of words and answering the given questions


Download PDF to check the complete syllabus from the link below:

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