ICSE Class 9 Commercial Applications Syllabus 2023-24: Download Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

(a) Definition and basic understanding of terms like commerce, business, industry, trade, organization, firm and company. Meaning of commercial organisations. 

A basic understanding of the terms and their distinctions using relevant industry examples. 

(b) Classification according to activities, objectives and ownership structures.

Different industrial groupings need to be explained like: Textile industry, FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), etc. Many examples need to be given to reinforce and clarify these concepts. While the objectives for profit and non-profit organizations are different, good management is still essential. A brief introduction to each ownership structure, their features and distinctions. 

(c) Environmental awareness 

(i) Natural resources – air, water, soil, metals, minerals, forests and fuels. Importance of these resources in our daily life. 

(ii) Causes of depletion of resources – over-use/irrational use, non-equitable distribution of resources, technological and industrial development, and population growth. 

Almost all activities of human society have degraded the environment physically, chemically, biologically and ethically. 

Technological inputs have yielded high-yielding varieties, which reduces the products of agricultural residue such as fodder, etc.; indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides. Mining, industries, energy generation, automobiles, urbanisation leading to defacement of land, deforestation, deterioration of hydrological resources.

(iii) Practices for conservation of resources – search for alternatives, promotion of renewable resources. 

Advantages and disadvantages of renewable resources when compared to nonrenewable resources. Study of the functioning of biogas, solar, wind and hydropower. 

(iv) Industrial pollution and degradation of the environment.

Measures to control pollution and degradation. Need for an Eco-friendly form of industrial development. 

(d) Sources of Pollution 

Vehicular, industrial, burning garbage, brick kilns, industrial waste, offshore oil drilling, thermal pollution, chemical fertilizer, bio-medical waste, pesticides, radiation – x-rays, radioactive fallout from nuclear plants. 

To understand the specific roles played by different departments of a commercial organization and to study the inter-relationships and dependence of all the functional areas in an actual firm: Purchase and Stores, Production, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Human Resources, General Administration and Legal. 

These topics should be studied as departments in a typical firm only, through case studies or projects. All the departments and their functions need to be explained individually so that the cross linkages can be brought out clearly.

(a) Increasing relevance of communication in a commercial organisation. 

With changing times and the increasing size of organizations the ever-increasing need and relevance of communication. 

(b) Ways of Communicating: verbal (written, spoken) and non-verbal communication. Their importance in different settings and their disadvantages. 

The advantages and disadvantages of each method. Using industry examples and real life settings, see the relevance of each method. 

(c) Skills required for effective communication. The interpersonal skills required for effective communication. 

(d) Understanding the relevance and use of different tools of communication: letter, facsimile, e-mail, video conference, memo, telephonic conversation, etc. 

A comparative analysis of the tools needs to be undertaken

(a) Need and relevance of accounting. 

(b) Basic understanding of debit and credit. 

(c) Understanding of basic accounting terminology: capital, liability, asset, revenue, expense, purchase, sales, stocks, debtors, and creditors. 

(d) Simple understanding of some accounting records maintained such as journals, ledgers, cashbook, and trial balance. 


No questions will be set on recording of entries or on calculations – only an understanding of the above is required.

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