ICSE Class 9 History and Civics Syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF

Jagran Josh

ICSE Class 9 History and Civics Syllabus 2024: This article discusses the ICSE Class 9 syllabus for History and Civics. The syllabus provided here is CISCE formulated with step-wise elaboration. Download the 2023-24 syllabus pdf as well. 

Download ICSE Class 9 History & Civics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF

Download ICSE Class 9 History & Civics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF

Class 9 2023-24 History and Civics syllabus ICSE: The new academic session 2023-24 is about to start and it’s time for gathering the syllabus for all your subjects. This will ensure to keep you all updated and at the right pace for your final exams. CISCE has already released the syllabus for all the subjects studied for ICSE and ISC. A syllabus is the first thing you need to know when entering into a new academic session. It helps you have all the important information and a predesigned map of how you are going to cover all the chapters. To know the updated syllabus of Class 9 ICSE History and Civics read this article.

ICSE Class 9 History & Civics Syllabus Aims:

  1. To provide an understanding of the working of the Indian government necessary for the students to grow into responsible, enlightened citizens in a secular democracy.
  2. To enrich the understanding of those aspects of Indian historical development which are crucial to the understanding of contemporary India.
  3. To awaken a desirable understanding in pupils of the various streams which have contributed to the development and growth of the Indian nation and its civilisation and culture.
  4. To develop a world-historical perspective of the contributions made by various cultures to the total heritage of mankind.

ICSE Class 9 History & Civics General Paper Guidelines:

  • There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and an Internal Assessment of 20 marks.
  • The paper will be divided into two parts, Part I and Part II.
  • Part I (30 marks) will contain short answer questions set from the entire syllabus.
  • Candidates will be required to answer all questions.
  • Part II (50 marks) will consist of Section A and Section B. Candidates will be required to answer two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The sections will correspond to the sections indicated in the syllabus.


An elementary study is required of this section without verbatim study of the Constitutional Articles in detail.



1. Our Constitution

Definition of Constitution – date of adoption, date of enforcement and its significance. Features: Single Citizenship, Universal Adult Franchise, Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy (meaning), and Welfare State.

2. Elections

Meaning; Composition of Election Commission (in brief); Direct and Indirect election; General election; Mid-term election and By-election. 

3. Local Self Government

(i) Rural: Three-tier system of Panchayati Raj – Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad – their meaning and functions.

(ii) Urban: Municipal Committees and Municipal Corporations – meaning and functions.





1. The Harappan Civilisation

Sources: Great Bath, Citadel, seals, bearded man, dancing girl, dockyard, script.

Origin, extent, urban planning, trade, art & craft, and its decline.

2. The Vedic Period

Sources: Vedas and Epics (brief mention); Iron

Artifacts and Pottery.

Brief comparative study of Early and Later Vedic

society and economy

3. Jainism and Buddhism

Sources: Angas, Tripitikas and Jatakas (brief


Causes for their rise in the 6th century B.C.;


4. The Mauryan Empire

Sources: Arthashastra, Indika, Ashokan Edicts,

Sanchi Stupa.

Political history and administration

(Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka); Ashoka’s


5. The Sangam Age

Sources: Tirukkural and Megaliths.

A brief study of society and economy.

6. The Age of the Guptas

Sources: Account of Fa-hien; Allahabad Pillar


Political history and administration (Samudragupta and Chandragupta Vikramaditya); Contribution to the fields of Education (Nalanda University), Science (Aryabhatta) and Culture (works of Kalidasa, Deogarh temple).

7. Medieval India

(a) The Cholas

Sources: Inscriptions; Brihadishwara Temple. Political history and administration (Rajaraja I, Rajendra I).

(b) The Delhi Sultanate

Sources: Inscriptions; Qutab Minar.

Political history and administration (Qutbuddin Aibak, Alauddin Khilji and Muhammad Bin Tughlaq).

(c) The Mughal Empire

Sources: Ain-i-Akbari, Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid and Red Fort. Political history and administration (Babur, Akbar and Aurangzeb).

(d) Composite Culture

Sources: Bijak, Guru Granth Sahib, Ajmer Sharief, St. Francis Assisi Church (Kochi). Significance of Bhakti Movements and Sufism (Mirabai, Sant Jnaneswar and Hazrat Nizamuddin). Influence of Christianity (St. Francis Xavier).

8. The Modern Age in Europe

(a) Renaissance

Definition causes (capture of Constantinople, decline of Feudalism, new trade routes, spirit of enquiry and invention of the printing press) and impact on art, literature and science (Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare and Copernicus).

(b) Reformation

Causes of reformation (dissatisfaction with the practices of the Catholic Church and new learning); Martin Luther’s contribution, Counter-Reformation.

(c) Industrial Revolution

Definition of the term. Comparative study of Socialism and Capitalism.



Any one project/assignment related to the syllabus.

Suggested Assignments  

  • ‘The Indian constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and weaker sections.’ Elaborate on the basis of a case study.  
  • ‘Fundamental Duties complement Fundamental Rights.’ Illustrate with the help of a PowerPoint Presentation.  
  • Highlight the civic issues of your locality and what suggestions would you offer to address them.  
  • Visit a museum or local site of historical importance and discuss its significance.  
  • Discuss the art and architectural features of any of these monuments: Buddhist Caves, Ajanta; Iron Pillar, Mehrauli; Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur; Mattancherry Synagogue, Cochin; Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati; St. Thomas Basilica, Chennai; Tower of Silence, Mumbai.  
  • Make a pictorial presentation of inventions and innovations as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Make a comparative study of the Harappan and the Mesopotamian Civilisations.


Find the complete syllabus from the link below:


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