Jagran Josh
Computer Applications Specimen Paper Class 10 ICSE: View and download the ICSE Computer Applications Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 10 in PDF format here for last minute revision and practice before the final exam.

Download Computer Applications Specimen Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board Exam
ICSE Computer Applications Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 10: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has published the specimen papers for the 2023 term-end exams of the higher secondary ICSE Class 10. The next paper is of Computer Applications (Code: 86). It is part of the Group III Elective subjects and is a favourite of students. In this digital age, knowledge of computers is essential. The IT industry is also one of the most profitable and fast-growing in the world. Many students opt for computer applications in ICSE Class 10 to learn the fundamentals of the concepts of programming.
The ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications paper is no picnic though. The ICSE board introduces many advanced concepts to students, and only those who practice regularly and have a keen interest in the subject are able to score good marks. Even still, solving the CSE Class 10 Computer Applications specimen paper is a must for everyone. Computer Applications is a scoring subject, but only if you take it seriously. Solve the sample papers and learn the topics by heart. Computer Applications is a theoretical subject but will gives significant exposure to practical knowledge of programming concepts as well. For some needed last-minute revision and practice before the exams, check and download the 2023 ICSE Computer Applications Specimen Paper Class 10 PDF here.
ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus 2023
ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Previous Year Question Papers
ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Specimen Paper 2023
- The ICSE Board Class 10 Computer Applications paper carries 100 marks and is 2 hour long in duration.
- The exam questions will be range between MCQ, one-word answer, short answer and long answer
- 15 extra minutes will be given before the exam to read the question paper. Writing answers will not be allowed during this time.
- The ICSE Class 10th Computer Applications exam consists of two sections: A and B.
- All questions of section A are compulsory but only four questions have to be attempted from section B.
Check the 2023 ICSE Computer Applications Specimen Paper for Class 10 in PDF format here. The download link to the entire Computer Applications specimen paper is given at the end of article.
You can view and download the full ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Specimen Paper 2023 below.
Read all the latest Specimen Papers of ICSE Class 10 below.
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