ICSE French Spanish German Specimen Paper 2023 Class 10: Download PDF

Jagran Josh

Modern Foreign Languages-Group III Specimen Paper Class 10 ICSE: Get here CISCE Board 2023 sample paper pdfs for French, Spanish, and German languages. 

Intro paraICSE French, Spanish, German Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 10: Modern Foreign Languages-Group III elective Exam for class 10 ISCE is scheduled for the coming Thursday, March 23, 2023. This exam will of 100 marks that students have to complete within 2 hours of time. The paper codes will be as follows: French (53), Spanish (54), and German (55). This article discuss sample papers for all three foreign languages in detail. After going through these specimen papers you will be to understand the question wise pattern and marks distribution. 

General guidelines for ICSE Class 10 French, Spanish, German Exam 2023:

  • Maximum Marks: 80
  • Time allowed: 3 hours
  • Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
  • You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
  • This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
  • The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
  • Attempt all questions.
  • The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

ICSE 2023 Examination Specimen Question Paper French (Second Language)

Question 1

Write a composition in French of approximately 200 words on any one of the following topics: 

Écrivez en français une rédaction sur un des sujets suivants :

(i) Décrivez un jour bien ordinaire de votre vie

(ii) Le cours en ligne. Vous êtes pour ou contre cette idée. Justifiez vos réponses.

(iii) Selon vous, comment protéger notre environnement et comment profiter la nature sans la détruire?

(iv) Les sports

(v) Faites une description de l’image donnée ci-dessous et décrivez ce qu’elle vous suggère.

Question 2

Write a letter in French of approximately 150 words on any one of the following: 

Écrivez en français une lettre sur un des sujets suivants :

(i) Vous venez de vous inscrire à la bibliothèque de votre région. Écrivez une lettre à votre ami décrivant l’importance de la lecture et comment vous profitez la bibliothèque avec votre carte de lecture.

(ii) Ecrivez une lettre à vos parents décrivant un voyage que vous avez fait avec vos amis.


Download the complete ICSE Class 10 French Specimen Paper 2023 from the link below:

ICSE 2023 Examination Specimen Question Paper Spanish (Second Language)

Question 1

Write a composition in Spanish of about 200 words on any one of the following topics:

Escriba un ensayo de 200 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes temas:

(i) La música (Music)

(ii) El mundo del futuro (The world in the future)

(iii) Una visita al zoo (A visit to the zoo)

(iv) Mi continente favorito (My favourite continent)

(v) Describa la imagen [Describe the image]

A photograph of a bottle under polluted water.

Question 2

Write a letter in Spanish of about 150 words on any one of the following topics:

Escriba una carta de 150 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes temas:

(i) Una carta a tu tio/a dándole las gracias por haberte permitido a pasar las vacaciones de Navidad en su casa. (Letter to your uncle / aunt thanking him /her for having allowed you to spend Christmas holidays at his / her house)

(ii) A pidiéndole disculpas por no haber atendido su fiesta de cumpleaños (A letter to your apologising for not having atended his/her birthday party)

Download the complete ICSE Class 10 Spanish Specimen Paper 2023 from the link below:

ICSE 2023 Examination Specimen Question Paper German (Second Language)

Question 1

Write a composition in German on any one of the following topics.

Schreibt einen kurzen Aufsatz über eins der folgenden Themen

(i) Mein Lieblingshobby

(ii) Festefeiern in Indien und Deutschland

(iii) Onlineunterricht – vor und Nachteile

(iv) Bücherlesen als Hobby

(v) Bitte schaut das Bild an und beschreibe es und schreibe einen kurzen Text über das Thema

Two students in a field with a football.

Question 2

Write an E-Mail in German on any one of the following topics:

Schreibt eine E-Mail über eins der folgenden Themen:

(i) Schreibe eine E Mail an deine Freundin oder deinen Freund Taschengeld Wie viel Taschengeld bekommst du? Ist das genug? Warum (nicht)? Was machst du, um dein Geld zu verdienen? Was hast du in letzter Zeit mit deinem Geld gemacht?

(ii) Seit einem Monat bist du in einer neuen Schule in einer anderen Stadt Wie findest du die neue Schule, neue Lehrer und Freunde, welche Aktivitäten machst du und welche Fächer hast du ? Bitte schreibe eine E Mail an deinen Freund / deine Freundin und erzähl ihm / ihr über deine neue Schule.


Download the complete ICSE Class 10 German Specimen Paper 2023 from the link below:

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