Jagran Josh
ICSE History and Civics Specimen Paper 2024 for Class 10: Check and download the History and Civics Specimen Paper for Class 10 ICSE Board Exam 2024 from this article and practice for the upcoming board exam.
ICSE History and Civics Specimen Paper 2024 for Class 10: CISCE (The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations) has made available the Specimen question papers for ICSE Class 10 History and Civics 2023-24. The ICSE History and Civics Specimen Paper by ICSE will serve as a prototype for what the actual ICSE 10th History and Civics question paper 2024 will be like. Therefore, it is very necessary for candidates to perform well in the exam. The paper will be conducted for 80 marks and students will have 2 hours to attempt it. Additional 15 minutes will be allotted for candidates to go through the paper.
ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Specimen Paper Paper 2024
(H.C.G. Paper – 1)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: Two hours
- Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately.
- You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
- This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
- The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
- Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory).
- A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from
- Section A and three out of five questions from Section B.
- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Attempt all questions from this Part
Question 1
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.)
(i) An ordinance is called a temporary law. Which of the following statements correctly describes the same?
(a) Only the Cabinet can prepare an ordinance.
(b) It is issued when the Parliament is not functioning.
(c) If the Parliament does not approve it within six weeks it becomes inoperative.
(d) Only the President can promulgate an ordinance.
(ii) Given below are details of a few Indian citizens.
Select the person who fulfils the eligibility criteria to become a member of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament.
(a) W
(b) X
(c) Y
(d) Z
(iii) The opposition feels that the ruling government does not have the majority in the Lok Sabha and wants to bring down the Government. Which of these motions will the Leader of the Opposition move?
(a) Adjournment Motion
(b) No-confidence Motion
(c) Motion of Thanks
(d) Censure Motion
(iv) When the Supreme Court reviews any judgement made by it to remove an error, it falls under __________ jurisdiction.
(a) Advisory
(b) Revisory
(c) Original
(d) Appellate
(v) Identify the officials who form the electoral college for the Presidential elections in India.
P: elected members of Parliament
Q: nominated members of Parliament
R: elected members of State Legislative Assemblies
S: nominated members of State Legislative Councils
(a) P and Q
(b) R and S
(c) P and R
(d) Q and S
(vi) Court of District Judge : Civil Cases : : Sessions Court : __________ Cases
(a) Advisory
(b) Criminal
(c) Constitutional
(d) Appellate
(vii) Read the two statements given below about the Civil Disobedience Movement and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and (B).
(A) Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience was based on engaging in dialogue and negotiation with the British.
(B) Gandhi believed that violence and aggression are counterproductive to achieve any goal.
(a) (B) contradicts (A).
(b) (B) is the reason for (A).
(c) (A) is true but (B) is false.
(d) (A) and (B) are independent of each other.
(viii) The central government of a country named X has decided to enforce a law similar to the Vernacular Press Act, which was enacted by the British in India in 1878 to control and regulate the vernacular press.
Based on this information, who among the following is most likely to benefit from the enforcement of the law in X?
(a) its citizens
(b) the media industry
(c) the opposition party
(d) the ruling political party
To see the complete ICSE History and Civics Specimen Paper Paper 2024 Class 10 for 2023-24, click on the link below:
ICSE Class 10 Specimen Paper Question Papers 2024 (All Subjects)
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