Jagran Josh
IGNOU TEE Admit Card December 2023: IGNOU released the BA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, MBA, Diploma and Certificate Courses admit card on the official website. Direct link to download hall ticket here. Admit Card plays a vital role in the examination process.
IGNOU Hall Ticket 2023: IGNOU release the term-end examination (TEE) December 2023 hall ticket on its official website – ignou.ac.in on November 9, 2023.
Candidates will be able to download the admit card after providing their enrollment number and program name. The IGNOU Admit Card will contain details like the candidate’s name, exam date, time, exam centre, roll number, etc. The hall ticket is an important document that a student needs to carry to the examination hall.
The candidates who will appear in the term-end examination will have to carry the hall ticket with a valid ID to the exam centre. The hall ticket will be released for all the courses. The exam is scheduled to be conducted from December 1, 2023, to January 1, 2024 and the examination will be conducted in two shifts i.e. from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm.
IGNOU TEE Hall Ticket 2023
IGNOU will conduct the TEE for the thousands of aspirants who are pursuing courses like BA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, MBA, Diploma and Certificate Courses from December 1, 2023 to January 5, for which admit card has been released on November 9, 2023 at ignou.ac.in. The IGNOU TEE Admit Card is a required document that must be brought to the exam location together with a photo ID, failure to do so would prevent admission.
Download Link to IGNOU Hall Ticket 2023
The candidates who are eligible to appear in the OIGNOU TEE have been issued Admit Card 2023 on the official hall_ticket.ignou.ac.in on November 9, 2023. All the students who are going to appear in the IGNOU TEE December 20233 can now download their Call Letter 2023 using their login credentials. The direct link to download the RBI Assistant Admit Card 2023 from the direct link shared here.
Steps to Download IGNOU Hall Ticket
Below we have listed the steps to download the Amit Card from the official website
Step 1: Open the official website of the IGNOU official website at ignou.ac.in
Step 2: Find the link to the Hall Ticket/Admit Card and click on it.
Step 3: Click on the link “Hall ticket for December 2023 Term End Examination (ODL/IOP Students) (New)”
Step 4: Enter the details like Enrollment Number and Program Code.
Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 6: The IGNOU admit card 2023 appears on your screen, check all the details mentioned on it carefully.
Step 7: Download or print the hall ticket for future reference.
Details Mentioned on IGNOU Hall Ticket
Below we have listed the details that will be mentioned on the IGNOU Admit Card when it gets officially released
- Name of the Candidates
- Examination Name
- Enrollment Number
- Photograph and Signature of Candidate
- Roll Number
- Examination Centre
- Examination Date and Time
- Phone Number
- Gender
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#IGNOU #TEE #December #Hall #Ticket #Released #ignou.ac.in #Direct #Link #Download #Admit #Card