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Fifteen students have so far used the early exit option, which also allows them to participate in placements.
The NEP recommends offering multiple entry and exit options. However, entry to IITs are based on JEE (Advanced) and there is no scope for a lateral entry. For multiple exits, NEP recommends offering a certificate, a diploma and a degree if students intend to exit after the first, second or third years, respectively.
Unlike state universities, the IIT-B council agreed to offer the exit option only after the third year, and not at every level. These students are among those who could either be having trouble clearing their courses or keen to try something else.
To supplement the decision on not offering the branch change option after the first year, IIT-B is increasing intake to several minor programmes to ensure students learn subjects outside their specialisation. After a suicide on campus, among other initiatives, the institute had done away with the branch change option at the end of first year.
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Yogita Rao
#IITB #announces #exit #option #3rd #year #NEP #Times #India