IIT Bombay vs. IIT Kanpur: A comparative analysis of placement performance – Times of India

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Two of India’s premier institutes for higher education in engineering and technology, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, are dream destinations for many aspiring engineers. In the NIRF Rankings 2024, IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur secured third and fourth place, respectively. In fact, since 2020, both institutes have consistently ranked in the top 4 of the NIRF Engineering list.So, what sets these institutes apart? Beyond their distinguished faculty, advanced courses, research facilities, and impressive campuses, one major differentiator is their placement records. Today, we will compare which of these esteemed IITs excels more in terms of placements.

Placement records: A comparative analysis of IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur

So, which institute fares better in terms of placement records? Here’s a look at the data from the last three years for both institutes, as published by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) under the management category in 2024:
UG 4 year program

Academic Year
IIT Bombay
IIT Kanpur
2020-21 Number of students graduated: 663 Number of students graduated: 773
Number of students placed: 500 Number of students placed: 437
Median salary: Rs. 13.92 Lakh Median Salary: Rs. 19.15 Lakh
2021-22 Number of students graduated: 674 Number of students graduated: 790
Number of students placed: 591 Number of students placed: 621
Median salary: Rs. 18.8 Lakh Median Salary: Rs. 22.07 Lakh
2022-23 Number of students graduated: 798 Number of students graduated: 985
Number of students placed: 644 Number of students placed: 688
Median salary: Rs. 19.63 Lakh Median salary: Rs. 23 Lakh

Over the past three academic years (2020-21 to 2022-23), a comparison between the undergraduate four-year programs at IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur reveals interesting trends in graduation rates, job placements, and higher education choices.
At IIT Bombay, the number of graduates increased from 663 in 2020-21 to 798 in 2022-23. Job placements also saw an upward trend, with 500 students placed in 2020-21, rising to 644 in 2022-23. The median salary for graduates jumped from Rs. 13.92 lakh to Rs. 19.63 lakh during this period. However, the number of students pursuing higher studies fluctuated, dropping from 163 in 2020-21 to 83 in 2021-22, before rising again to 154 in 2022-23.
IIT Kanpur also showed growth, with graduates increasing from 773 in 2020-21 to 985 in 2022-23. Placements improved significantly, from 437 students placed in 2020-21 to 688 in 2022-23. The median salary offered at IIT Kanpur grew from Rs. 19.15 lakh in 2020-21 to Rs. 23 lakh in 2022-23, surpassing IIT Bombay’s figures each year. The number of students opting for higher education at IIT Kanpur decreased initially, from 299 in 2020-21 to 165 in 2021-22, before rising to 239 in 2022-23.
Overall, both IITs have seen improvements in job placements and salaries. However, IIT Kanpur consistently offers higher median salaries and has a greater number of students choosing to pursue higher education, suggesting a balanced focus on both career and academic advancement.

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By bpci

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