Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus 2023 PDF: Download Exam Pattern, CASB, PET, Medical Test

Jagran Josh

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus 2023 PDF: Download the IAF Agniveer Vayu exam pattern and syllabus. The online test will be held for the recruitment of 3500+ vacancies.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2023: The Indian Air Force will recruit 3500+ vacancies for the Agniveer post through Air Force Agneepath Vayu exam (01/2024). Candidates planning to take the Indian Air Force Agniveer exam should carefully review the syllabus provided in the official notice by the Indian Air Force. This syllabus outlines the subject areas from which the examination questions will be drawn. Familiarizing themselves with the exam pattern and syllabus will enable candidates to grasp the exam’s requirements and enhance their preparation effectively.

Check Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Eligibility Criteria 2023

In this article, we have shared complete details on the Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu syllabus for the computer-based exam and the Indian Air Force Agniveer selection process, preparation strategy, and best books in detail.

Check Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Salary 2023

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023: Overview

Candidates must thoroughly analyse the Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu syllabus and exam pattern to cover all the important topics from the exam perspective. Here are the key highlights of the Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu syllabus and exam pattern shared below for the reference of the candidates:

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 Overview

Exam Conducting Body

Indian Air Force

Post Name

Agniveer Vayu


3500+ vacancies


Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu syllabus and exam pattern

Selection Process

Written Exam, CASB, PET, PMT, Adaptability Test-I, and II, Document Verification, and Medical Examination

Exam Mode


Marking Scheme

+1 mark

-0,25 mark


Varies as per post

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Selection Process 2023

The Air Force Agneepath recruitment scheme for 2023 will comprise six stages in its selection process:

  • Online Test
  • CASB (Central Airmen Selection Board) test
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  • Adaptability Test-I and Test-II
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

Check AFCAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Exam Pattern 2023

Check the detailed exam pattern for the  Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu online test as discussed below:

Indian Air Force Agniveer Exam Pattern 2023

Name of the Group


No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Exam Duration





60 minutes





Other than Science

Reasoning & General Awareness



45 minutes



Science & Other than Science




85 minutes



Reasoning & General Awareness





  • For Science subjects: In the science subject, the online test comprises three sections, i.e., English, Physics, and Mathematics. The questions are designed as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus. The exam duration shall be 60 minutes.·
  • For other than Science subjects: In this subject, the online test comprises two subjects i.e. English and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). The standard of questions this exam asks is as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus.  The exam duration shall be 45 minutes.·
  • For Science subjects and other than Science subjects: In the science subject, the online test comprises three sections, i.e., English, Physics, Mathematics, and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). The questions are designed as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus. The exam duration shall be 85 minutes.
  • As per the marking scheme, one mark will be awarded for every correct response, and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus 2023

The Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus PDF is divided into three groups i.e., Science, other than Science, and Science & other than Science. Aspirants must be well-acquainted with the Indian Air Force Agniveer syllabus to cover all the aspects of the exam. Check the subject-wise Indian Air Force syllabus 2023 for Agniveer below:




Word Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)



Clauses (noun, adverb & relative clauses)

Subject-verb concord

Verb formation and error in their use

Noun & Pronoun






Spelling errors

Idioms and phrases

Sentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)

One-word substitution


Definite and Indefinite integrals

Differential equations

3-Dimensional geometry

Binomial Theorem

Application of derivatives

Application of integrals

Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates

Circles and family of circles

Complex numbers

Conic sections


Trigonometric functions


Limit and continuity

Linear Equations

Linear programming

Matrices and Determinants

Permutation and Combination

Mathematical induction

Mathematical reasoning

Sets, relations, and functions



Quadratic equations

Sequence and series

Straight lines and family of lines




Distance and Direction

Inserting correct mathematical sign

Coding and Decoding

Analogy & Odd one out

Blood relations

Number Simplification

Area of triangle, square and rectangle

Number Puzzle and coding

Volume & Surface area of cone, cylinder, cuboid, and sphere

Fractions & Probability

Assigning artificial values to mathematical digit


Dictionary words

Profit and loss

Ratio & Proportion

Simple Trigonometry

Time, Speed and Distance

Youngest, tallest relation-based questions

Time sequence, Number and Ranking

Number Series

Mathematical Operations & Mutual relation problem


Electronic devices

The behaviour of perfect gases and the kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and Nuclei

Bulk matter properties

Laws of motion

Communication System

Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current

Electrostatics & Current Electricity


Sequence and series


Waves and Oscillations

Physical-world and measurement

Electromagnetic Waves

Straight lines and family of lines

Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current

Radiation and Dual nature of matter

The motion of a system of particles and rigid body



Work, Power, and Energy

Gravitation & Statistics

Electronic devices


Sequence and series

Trigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functions

Laws of motion

Communication System

Sets, relations, and functions

The behaviour of perfect gases and the kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and Nuclei

Bulk matter properties

Radiation and Dual nature of matter

Electromagnetic Waves


Waves and Oscillations

Physical-world and measurement

Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current

Work, Power, and Energy

Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current

Straight lines and family of lines


The motion of a system of particles and rigid body


Electrostatics & Current Electricity

Gravitation & Statistics

General Awareness



Current Affairs


General Science

Basic Computer Operations

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Physical Fitness Test

After qualifying in the written exam, all the qualified candidates will be shortlisted for the physical fitness test. Check the  Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu physical fitness requirements and medical standards for male and female candidates elaborated below:

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu physical efficiency criteria for male and female candidates are as follows:

PFT-I: The candidate will have to complete 1.6 km run as per the following timing to qualify for PFT-II.


Male candidate

Female candidate

1.6 km run

Within 07 minutes

Within 06 minutes

PFT-II: Candidates declared qualified in PFT-I are shortlisted for PFT-II after 10 minutes of recuperation time. The sequence of exercises and maximum time period of male and female candidates are as follows.

Male Candidate


Max Time Period


10 Push-ups

01 minute

Test will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run.

10 Sit-ups

01 minute

Test will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 push-ups.

20 squats

01 minute

Test will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 sit-ups.

Female Candidate


Max Time Period


10 Sit-ups

01 minute and 30 seconds

Test will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run.

15 Squats

01 minute

Test will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 sit-ups.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Adaptability Test I and II 2023

Adaptability Test-I. All candidates who are declared qualified in the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) will be called to appear in Adaptability Test-I (objective type written test), which is to check the suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF, which includes deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.

Adaptability Test-II. All aspirants who are declared qualified in Adaptability Test-I will be shortlisted for Adaptability Test-II as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-II is to shortlist candidates who can adapt to the environment of the Indian Air Force and can adjust to the military way of life.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Medical Exam 2023

The Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu medical standard requirements for male and female candidates are as follows:

Height: The minimum acceptable height for the male candidate is 152.5 cm, whereas the minimum acceptable height for the female candidate is 152 cm.

Weight: Proportionate to age and height.

Chest: The chest should be well proportional with a minimum age expansion of 5 cm for male and female candidates.

Hearing: Candidate must have normal hearing i.e., able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters by each ear separately.

Dental: Must have healthy gums, a good set of teeth, and a minimum of 14 dental points.

Visual Standards:

Visual Activity

Maximum Limits of Refractive Error

Colour Vision

6/12 each eye, correctable to 6/6 each eye

Hypermetropia- +2.0 D

Myopia 1 D

Including +/- 0.50 D Astigmatism


Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus 2023: Best Books

Candidates should pick the Indian Air Force Agniveer books based on the recent edition and format. The right resources will help them to build conceptual clarity and cover the massive Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu syllabus at the decided time. Some of the highly recommended Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu books are as follows:



General Awareness

General/Banking/Financial Awareness with Current Affairs for Bank Exam by Disha Experts


Fast Track Objective Mathematics by Rajesh Verma

General English

Objective English by R S Aggarwal


Concept of Physics by H.C Verma


Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning by R S Aggrawal

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