Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times
The Indian Navy has invited applications for eligible and interested candidates for Short Service Commission (SSC) Information Technology or SSC IT. Candidates born between January 1999 and 2004 can apply for the post on joinindiannavy.gov.in. The last date to apply is August 20.
There are a total of 35 vacancies.
A candidate with at least 60 per cent marks in Class 10 or 12 and one of these educational qualifications with minimum of 60 per cent marks can apply for these vacancies:
(a) MSc/BE/B Tech/MTech (Computer Science/Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Engineering /Information Technology/Software Systems/Cyber Security/System Administration & Networking/Computer Systems & Networking/Data Analytics/Artificial Intelligence)
(b) MCA with BCA/BSc (Computer Science/ Information Technology).
Selected candidates will be granted a short service commission, initially for ten years, which is extendable by minimum four years in two terms of two year each. This extension is subject to service requirement, performance, medical eligibility and willingness of candidates, an official statement said.
Check the Indian Navy SSC recruitment notice here:
#Indian #Navy #Recruitment #Apply #SSC #Executive #posts #joinindiannavy.gov.in