Inside Higher Ed
The state of Indiana has banned any state funds from going to the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University at Bloomington.
The ban was in the final version of the budget approved by the Legislature on Friday, The Herald-Times reported.
Republicans in the Legislature insisted on the ban because the Kinsey Institute studies sex and sexuality.
Indiana University president Pamela Whitten issued this statement on Friday:
“As a premier research institution with a 200-year legacy of impact within our state and around the world, IU is firmly committed to academic freedom. The university is concerned that a provision singling out a specific research institute sets a troubling precedent with implications that could limit the ability of public colleges and universities to pursue research and scholarship that benefits people and improves lives. IU will conduct a thorough legal review to ensure the university follows state law. The university is committed to the ongoing crucial research and robust scholarship conducted by IU faculty and the Kinsey Institute.”
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Scott Jaschik
#Indiana #blocks #state #funds #Kinsey