International Day of Democracy 2023: Important Quotes and Slogans for Students

Jagran Josh

International Day of Democracy 2023: This article presents interesting and impactful slogans and important quotes on the propitious occasion of International Day of Democracy 2023. These slogans can be used by students in school competitions and these quotes are important for students to know for their general knowledge as well as sending messages, and wishes, wherever required.

Get here International Day of Democracy 2023 Slogans and Quotes

Get here International Day of Democracy 2023 Slogans and Quotes

International Day of Democracy 2023: On 15th September every year, the world celebrates International Day of Democracy to commemorate and celebrate the type of governance whose only focus is on its people. On this day, multiple countries across the world take part in various activities organised by the United Nations. For International Day of Democracy 2023, the emphasis is on empowering the next generation by laying focus on the children and youngsters who are the custodians of the future democracy. 

The day is celebrated with great enthusiasm worldwide to keep a check on the status of democracy in the world. Democracy is not a necessity, it is a right of every individual as per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 19 of the law, states that Freedom of Speech and Expression is the fundamental right of every citizen, which provides them with the right to hold opinions and make sure that they are heard wherever and whenever required. Thus, to have a close look at the status of democracy in the entire world, the day is celebrated.  

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What is Democracy? 

Democracy is a system of governance where the leading or governing authorities are elected by the people of the country. A democratic form of government is also known as representative government or elective government. The country where the system of democracy is followed is known as a democratic country. Democracy is very famously defined by Abraham Lincoln as, “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. 

International Day of Democracy 2023 Theme

International Day of Democracy 2023 is centered around the theme of “Empowering the Next Generation”. The theme wants to impart the importance of youngsters in bettering the concept of democracy and advancing it as per the needs and requirements of future generations while also ensuring that their voices are heard in the decisions that can create an impeccable change in the world. 

International Day of Democracy Slogans 

Find here the best slogans on International Day of Democracy 2023. These slogans can be used by students to decorate their notice boards and classrooms in schools and can also be used in school competitions. Here, we have created a list of the best and most impactful slogans on the occasion of International Day of Democracy. 

  1. Your vote is your voice
  2. Democracy is freedom with responsibility
  3. Democracy is the way to a healthier and happier country
  4. Democracy brings you positivity, freedom, and victory
  5. Every citizen plays a key role in preserving and defending democracy
  6. You and your vote is all that matters to have democracy
  7. Democracy represents the power of people
  8. In a democracy, hope rules over fear
  9. Democracy provides a voice to the voiceless and unheard
  10. One true meaning of Democracy is ‘freedom to all’

International Day of Democracy Quotes

These important quotes on International Day of Democracy from prominent personalities around the world will create an impactful speech, poem, essay, and posters. Do not forget to use the list of best quotes on International Day of Democracy presented below, to build an impactful and creative creation. 

  1. Democracy is the government of people, by the people, and for the people- By Abraham Lincoln
  2. The power to question is the basis of all human progress – By Indira Gandhi
  3. Democracy is not just about voting, it’s about ensuring that people’s votes are heard – By Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
  4. A Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch- By Benjamin Franklin
  5. Democracy is the destiny of humanity, freedom is its indestructible arm- By Benito Juarez
  6. Democracy means tolerance. Tolerance not merely of those who agree with us but of those who do not agree with us- By Jawaharlal Nehru
  7. Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining forces of terrorism- By Benazir Bhutto
  8. Democracy necessarily means a conflict of will and ideas, involving sometimes a war of the knife between different ideas- By Mahatma Gandhi
  9. I believe that democracy is the best guarantor for peace and cooperation among nations- By Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  10. “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”- By Franklin D. Roosevelt

International Day of Democracy is a crucial day for the entire world since it recognizes the need for democracy for the proper functioning of the world and for strengthening relations among countries. On this day, the democracy prevalent in the world is measured, analysed, and celebrated. Schools can use this important day to impart knowledge about democracy to students so that they end up being responsible citizens who work towards advancing democracy for future generations. 

Also Read: 

What is Democracy? Celebrating India’s Democracy

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