International Day of Peace: Five pledges that every school should encourage their students to take – Times of India

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The International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21st each year, stands as a global reminder of humanity’s collective aspiration for harmony, tolerance, and understanding. Established by the United Nations, this day holds profound significance as it calls upon nations, communities, and individuals to set aside differences and strive for a world free from conflict and violence. It’s a moment to reflect on the power of peace in resolving disputes, promoting cooperation, and safeguarding the well-being of people worldwide.
In commemoration of the International Day of Peace, the United Nations’ official theme for this year, “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the Global Goals,” underscores the need for collective responsibility in promoting global peace. This theme emphasizes that individuals and communities play a vital role in fostering and nurturing peace, aligning with the broader objective of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the pursuit of harmony and unity worldwide.
On this occasion, teaching young learners about peace and tolerance from an early age holds immense importance in shaping not only their individual characters but also the future of society. By instilling these values during their formative years, we equip children with the tools to navigate differences, resolve conflicts amicably, and build empathetic connections with others.
Schools can encourage their students to take pledges by holding special assemblies or events on International Peace Day. They can also incorporate peace education into the curriculum and provide opportunities for students to get involved in peacebuilding activities.
This early education fosters a foundation of compassion and open-mindedness, which can help counter prejudice and discrimination, ultimately paving the way for a more harmonious and understanding world where individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, can coexist peacefully and contribute positively to the global community.
Here are five pledges that every school should encourage their students to take:
• Kindness and respect: Schools can teach students about different cultures and religions, and how to be respectful of everyone’s differences. They can also create a school culture where kindness and respect are valued. They should encourage students to make a commitment to acts of kindness and compassion. Whether it’s helping a fellow student, showing empathy, or volunteering, small gestures of kindness can have a significant impact on promoting peace.
Pledge 1 – I pledge to be kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
• Peaceful conflict resolution: Schools can teach students how to resolve conflicts peacefully through mediation, negotiation, and other nonviolent methods. They can also provide students with opportunities to practice these skills in a safe and supportive environment. Students should commit to addressing conflicts and disagreements without resorting to aggression or violence. Encouraging open communication, active listening, and finding compromise will help create a peaceful environment within the school.
Pledge 2 – I pledge to resolve conflicts peacefully and to avoid violence.
• Standing up for what is right: Schools can teach students about social justice issues and how to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. They can also provide students with opportunities to get involved in social justice activism. This pledge reinforces the importance of speaking out against injustices, discrimination, and unethical behaviour. It empowers students to become responsible and active citizens who uphold moral and ethical principles, contributing to a more just and peaceful society.
Pledge 3 – I pledge to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.
• Good citizenship: Emphasizing the importance of teaching young learners about peace and tolerance from an early age is crucial in nurturing responsible and compassionate citizens. Promoting good citizenship in schools involves educating students about their rights and responsibilities as citizens. It emphasizes making communities more peaceful through civic engagement, including volunteering and voting, instilling a sense of duty and active participation in building a harmonious society.
Pledge 4 – I pledge to be a good citizen and to work to make my community a more peaceful place.
• Spreading the message of peace: Schools play a crucial role in nurturing a culture of peace among students. They can inspire students to be ambassadors of peace by engaging in various activities such as writing letters to elected officials, organizing peace walks or rallies, and creating art or music that advocates for peace. These initiatives not only empower students but also contribute to building a more peaceful and harmonious world, one community at a time.
Pledge 5 – I pledge to spread the message of peace and non-violence wherever I go.
By encouraging students to take these pledges and to live by them, schools can help to create a more peaceful world for everyone.

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Sanjay Sharma

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