Interview Grooming Tips for Men and Women

Interview Grooming Tips
First impressions are seldom more important than on a job interview. A sharp appearance shows that you are poised, polished and prepared. Your prospective employer should see that you take the interview seriously and that you have taken care to look your best. If you have question about what is appropriate, visit the company beforehand to pick up an application, and take note of the company culture. Being confident about your appearance can enhance your interview. Do you know that it takes less than 10 seconds of meeting someone, to form an impression about that person? Statistics reveal that 55% of our first impression is based on the way we look, 38% on the way we present ourselves and only 7% is based on what we say. One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a job interview is to ensure you are well-groomed. First impressions last and you want to make sure that it is good impressions that you are leaving with the interviewers. Think back about your own personal experiences; how have first impressions of a certain person make you respond to him or her?

Grooming Tips for Men

Men who fall under the “hairy” category will want to make sure they trim their facial hair to keep it neat. This includes your beard or mustache as well as ear and nostril hair. If in doubt, just go clean-shaven.
Do put your best face forward. Wash your face and use a gentle scrub to exfoliate skin before the interview. You may also wish to invest in a gentle chemical exfoliant, such as a liquid beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) product. These types of exfoliants are not only excellent for flaky, dry skin, but they’re also great for those struggling with oily skin and blackheads. Don’t use these products untested right before an interview. Try them in advance to make sure they don’t cause irritation or redness.
Go for styling products that keep your hair in shape with a natural look, rather than hair gels or creams that create a greasy look.

Make sure your suit or shirt and pants are freshly laundered, neatly pressed, and well-coordinated. If you’re interviewing for a creative or fashion-oriented position, you might want to take the opportunity to express your personality with a more colorful ensemble, while still keeping it professional and smart.

  • A solid-color suit either navy or dark gray, clean and pressed, is appropriate for a job interview
  • Wear it with a long-sleeved white or light blue shirt and a silk tie in a solid color or simple prints
  • The tie should be neatly tied so that it covers the collar joining and the short end lies well under the longer one
  • Wear leather shoes with dark, mid-calf trouser socks that would not show skin when you sit. If you are wearing a brown belt, your leather shoes should be in the same shade of brown. If you are wearing a black belt, your leather shoes should be black as well
  • Men should limit their accessories to a wedding band (if you are married) and a nice watch
Use deodorant to stay fresh and dry, but avoid colognes and strong fragrances. You don’t want to overpower your interviewer in any way, and that includes scents.
If you’re a smoker, don’t smoke for at least half an hour before the interview, and if you have to have a coffee beforehand, make sure you have breath mints on you. You don’t want to put off the interviewer with stinky breath
  • Shoes should be of black or dark brown color
  • Should be properly polished before.
  • The color of the socks should match the color of the trouser; preferably black socks should be worn.
  • Laces should be tied neatly and avoid shoes without laces.
Do prepare your hands and nails for the all-important handshake. Trim your fingernails neatly and file away any rough edges. Make sure your nails are clean and tidy.
  • Be sure that your hair is neatly trimmed and facial hair is well-groomed
  • Fingernails must be clean and trimmed
  • Make sure your teeth are clean and your breath is fresh
  • Wear a light cologne; something not too overpowering

Dressing and personal grooming for an interview take some effort and preparation. The first impression you make on a potential employer is very important.

At the first meeting, your employers will form an assessment based on what you are wearing and how you carry yourself. Regardless of the work environment, it is important to dress professionally for a job interview. This will help guarantee that you make a great first impression

Grooming Tips for Women

This isn’t one of those occasions to get all dolled up. Less is more when your goal is to look professional. Go for fresh, natural colors and keep it simple and light.

Whether you’re opting for a pantsuit, a skirt suit, or a chic dress, remember to keep it businesslike. Stay away from plunging necklines, micro-mini skirts, and anything too revealing which might send out the wrong message. For tips on choosing the right color, check out our color guide for job interviews. Accessories should be avoided or kept to a minimum.

  • A two-piece suit in a dark or neutral color is appropriate for an interview
  • If you wear a skirt, check that it covers your thighs when you sit. Opt for skirts that are knee-length or slightly longer
  • If you wear a pair of tailored pants, ensure it fits properly without being too tight and that the length is slightly beyond your ankle
  • Your blouse under the suit jacket should be of coordinating colors
  • For a dress, it is always important to ensure that both the neckline and hemline are appropriate: avoid short dresses and low-cut, revealing necklines. If you choose a bright-colored dress, it is important to ensure that the piece covers you appropriately
  • Plain, conservative pumps are the best choice and ensure you can walk comfortably in them
  • Your accessories should complement your clothing, however, do not overdo it. A simple necklace or choker is a classic choice. Avoid large dangling earrings and covering your wrist with too many bracelets

Don’t forget about appropriate footwear—wear shoes that look good but don’t leave you wincing with each step. Again, the exception to the rule here is if you’re interviewing for a creative or fashion-oriented position, in which case you’re allowed to inject some color and personality into your ensemble.

Just like in the case of the men, use deodorant to stay fresh and dry, but avoid strong perfumes that might be overpowering.
The same rules apply as with the men – don’t smoke for at least half an hour before the interview, and carry breath mints in your handbag in case you need to freshen your breath.
Do prepare your hands and nails for the all-important handshake. Trim your fingernails neatly and file away any rough edges. Make sure your nails are clean and tidy. Apply some hand cream for added softness. If you wear nail polish, make sure it is free of any chips. Opt for clear or classic shades such as reds, pinks, neutrals, or a classic French manicure. Don’t nibble on your nails during the interview. It’s a common nervous habit — and you’ll surely have some nerves — but it can also be off-putting. If you tend to bite your nails, try wearing an anti-biting polish or spray the day of the interview.
  • Put on simple makeup such as a light foundation, blusher, and lip gloss
  • Wear your hair in a simple, professional-looking style. If you have long hair, you can either tie it up neatly in a ponytail or let it down neatly. If you have short hair, ensure that it is neatly brushed. If you wish to color your hair, do ensure that the color is not unusual like bright pink, green or blue
  • Avoid long nails with unusual colors
  • Make sure your teeth are clean and your breath is fresh
  • Wear a light fragrance or deodorant

By bpci