Interview Question

Interviewer : What are your strengths?

Mahesh : I think my biggest strength is dealing with people. I do my best work when I am helping customers. I listen and pay close attention to their needs, and I do my best to help them. I think the customers can feel that I genuinely care about them.

Interviewer : As the head of customer service, how will use your strength to help the department?

Mahesh : The best thing I can do is to teach the members of the customer service team how to provide excellent customer service. I have a lot of experience in this field, and I have dealt with all kinds of situations and customers. I believe that my expertise can help the department improve greatly.

Interviewer : Have you ever trained staff members before?

Mahesh : I have never formally trained any customer service members, but I mentored many junior staff members at my old company. I know what inexperienced customer service reps struggle with, and I know how to help them improve.

Interviewer : That’s good to hear. Do you think you could create a training course?

Mahesh : I would have no problem doing that.

Interviewer : What professional strengths do you have?

Mahesh : I am very good at analyzing data. When I look at data, I can find trends and I am able to understand the reasons why those trends are happening. I think this is an essential skill for a marketing manager, and I think it is a major reason why I have been successful in this field.

Interviewer : What would this strength bring to our company?

Mahesh : Knowledge is power. I can identify short-term and long-term trends that affect your business greatly. I can find industry and consumer trends, and I can have a deep understanding of what is driving business. With this information, I can create the most effective marketing strategies that will help grow sales for the company.

Interviewer : Where did you learn to do this?

Mahesh : I learned how to analyze data when I attended university and at my first job, but I think I have a natural ability to find and understand the fundamental reasons why a trend is happening.

Interviewer : Which one of your strengths would help our company the most?

Mahesh : I think I am a great team player and I am good at producing high-quality work in a team environment. I think this could greatly benefit your company.

Interviewer : Can you tell me about a time that you worked on a team?

Mahesh : In my previous job, I worked on the online merchandising team. There were 4 members on the team and we were in charge of creating promotions for our company’s online store. We all worked together on every part of the project, but the person with the most experience or skill took the lead for certain parts.

Interviewer : And what was your part?

Mahesh : I was the best writer on the team, so I wrote all of the advertisements, promotions, and reports. My teammates gave me feedback, and together we created some great work. On the other hand, I also contributed and helped them with their parts which were design, pricing, and products.

Interviewer : That’s great. Working on a team is very important to our company.

Interviewer : What do you think you do well?

Mahesh : After working for a couple of years, I realize that my strength is being able to finish a lot of work in a short period of time. I am able to work in stressful situations and still get a lot of work done. This was very valuable at my previous job and my manager appreciated it a lot.

Interviewer : Why do you think you are so good at that?

Mahesh : First, I am a hard worker and I have no problem working late or on weekends if that is what is necessary to finish a job. Also, I am good at time management and I can work well even under tight deadlines.

Interviewer : Did your previous job have a lot of tight deadlines?

Mahesh : Yes. There were very many. At my previous job, things changed very quickly, so we often had to make adjustments at the last minute. But working in that type of environment can be exciting.

Interviewer : So, would you say that you enjoy working in that kind of environment?

Mahesh : Yes, I would.

Interviewer : What do you consider your biggest strength?

Mahesh : I think that my attention to detail is my greatest strength. This has helped me greatly during my career as a project manager.

Interviewer : How has it helped you?

Mahesh : My attention to detail helps me make sure that all parts of a project are completed correctly. I think that attention to detail can help make a good project into a great project.

Interviewer : Can you give a specific example about this?

Mahesh : Many project managers do not pay enough attention to the quality of the images that they use in advertisements or on the company website. It may seem like a small part but having high-quality images can make a big difference.

Interviewer : I completely agree with you. Sometimes certain aspects get overlooked.

Interviewer : What are your weaknesses?

Mahesh : I feel that my biggest weakness is not paying enough attention to detail. I enjoy creating overall strategies and plans. Sometimes, I am so focused on the big picture that I forget some details and this can affect the quality of the work.

Interviewer : How are you trying to improve this weakness?

Mahesh : I think the best way to improve this weakness is to just be aware of it. I constantly remind myself to focus not only on the big issues but also on the details.

Interviewer : Is there any specific technique or method that you use?

Mahesh : Yes. At the beginning of a project, I make a list of all the details that I need to check. And if I think of a new one during the project, I immediately add it to the list. This has helped me improve my attention to detail which has helped improve the overall quality of my projects.

Interviewer : That’s a good method.

Interviewer : What professional weakness do you have?

Mahesh : I think that I need to improve my Excel skills. As you know, it is very important to be proficient in Excel if you want to work in this industry.

Interviewer : Are you saying that you are not good at using Excel?

Mahesh : Compared to most people, I am great at using Excel. I have a lot of experience working with it, but I think that I could be even better.

Interviewer : So, how do you plan to improve?

Mahesh : I am currently taking an advanced Excel skills course online. It has been very helpful so far, and I hope to learn a lot of advanced techniques that I can use in my job.

Interviewer : It is good that you being proactive about improving your weakness.

Interviewer : What is something that you struggle with at work?

Mahesh : One thing that I struggle with is asking for help. I like to solve problems on my own, and I do not want to be a burden to my co-workers or boss by asking them a lot of questions. But I have learned that this is not the best way.

Interviewer : Why is it not the best way?

Mahesh : Well, co-workers should help each other. When people work together, the results are usually better. Also, I have learned that most people like helping their co-workers. Whenever a co-worker asks me for help, I am always happy to assist them. So, I imagine that most other people feel the same way.

Interviewer : Are you doing anything to correct this weakness?

Mahesh : I’m just trying to communicate more with my co-workers and management. I ask for feedback and share ideas with them. I think that this has helped improve the quality of my work.

Interviewer : That’s great. Our company encourages open communication between all employees.

Interviewer : What is something that you cannot do well?

Mahesh : To be honest, I am not very good at design. For example, I am not good at creating logos, visual advertisements, or picking colors for something.

Interviewer : Does this affect your work since you are in marketing?

Mahesh : No, it does not affect my work. My expertise is in creating the overall strategy, messaging, and writing for a marketing campaign. On a marketing team, there is usually a person who specializes in design, or the design work is outsourced to another company.

Interviewer : I see. Are you trying to get better at design?

Mahesh : To be honest, I am not. I know that I will never be good at design, so I let the people who are experts in design handle that work. I think that recognizing your own weaknesses and limitations is very important.

Interviewer : I would agree with that. There is more than one way to contribute to a project.

Interviewer : What do you consider your biggest weakness?

Mahesh : I think that impatience is my biggest weakness. When colleagues do not finish their work on time, I can get a little annoyed and impatient.

Interviewer : Did this happen a lot at your last job?

Mahesh : It happened quite often. I am the kind of person who always finishes their work on time, but other people at my last job did not worry about deadlines very much.

Interviewer : How did you handle that kind of situation?

Mahesh : I just approached them in a friendly way and I explained that I was waiting for them to finish their work. I did not criticize them. I think it is important to avoid criticizing people because people often become defensive when you criticize them and it doesn’t help the situation.

Interviewer : Did anyone ever get angry at you?

Mahesh : Never. If I ever felt like somebody was becoming upset or defensive, then I ended the conversation. After a while, they usually calmed down and came to talk to me.

Interviewer : How would your strengths help you succeed at our company?

Mahesh : Your company is one of the global leaders in chemical sales. You are a market leader in many different countries all over the world. I have a lot of experience working with people from many different countries and I speak 5 languages.

Interviewer : What languages do you speak?

Mahesh : My native language is Russian, but I am also fluent in English and Japanese. I am also proficient in Mandarin and German.

Interviewer : That is impressive. Besides languages, how would your experience benefit our company?

Mahesh : As I mentioned earlier, I have a lot of experience working with people from other countries. I know how to behave and how to do business in many countries. I can make strong and lasting relationships with customers all over the world.

Interviewer : That is a great skill to have in this business.

Interviewer : You mentioned that writing was your strength.

Mahesh : Yes.

Interviewer : How has your strength helped you succeed in your career?

Mahesh : Writing has helped me in numerous ways. Most importantly, writing has helped me persuade consumers to use my company’s services.

Interviewer : What kind of writing was it?

Mahesh : I was able to persuade consumers through a few different mediums. I wrote a successful online advertisement that led to a 25% increase in sales. I helped write a radio advertisement that my company aired for over 6 months. And I often wrote blog posts for our company’s website to show customers how our services could positively affect their lives.

Interviewer : That is very impressive. How did you become such a good writer?

Mahesh : I have always been pretty good at writing, but I have also spent a lot of time practicing and studying how to be a great writer.

Interviewer : You mentioned that your weakness is time management. How can you overcome this weakness?

Mahesh : I think the best way to improve my time management is to make a schedule and then stick to it. I have read many books about time management, and most of them recommend making a schedule and following it as closely as possible.

Interviewer : What do you do if something unexpected comes up?

Mahesh : If that happens, then you simply add it to your schedule. At the end of each day, I sit down and look at my schedule for the next day. If there is anything that needs to be added, then I modify the schedule.

Interviewer : Does this work for you?

Mahesh : It has helped me very much. I have become much better at time management and many of the problems that I had before have disappeared.

Interviewer : That’s good to hear. At our company, we think time management is extremely important.

Interviewer : You said that your weakness is learning new technology. What are you doing to improve your weakness?

Mahesh : As you know, technology is constantly being updated and changing. So, it is important for people in our field to stay up to date with the latest technologies. I often fall behind on this because I become too focused on whatever project I am working on. In order to fix this, I set aside one hour every day to study new technology.

Interviewer : What time of day do you do that?

Mahesh : I do it every morning from 8 to 9, right before I start work. I like to sit in the coffee shop on the 1st floor and have my morning coffee while I study a little bit.

Interviewer : That’s great. Do you ever miss a day because you are too busy or too tired?

Mahesh : Of course, I do, but I have a rule. The rule is that if I miss a day during the week, then I need to make it up on the weekend. For example, I wasn’t able to study this Wednesday because I had a dentist appointment, so I will study for at least one hour this Saturday.

Interviewer : That’s a good rule.

Interviewer : How do you make decisions?

Mahesh : When I make an important decision, I want to make sure that I have as much reliable information as possible. So, the first thing I do is gather information. I do research, talk to people, or whatever I have to do to get the information. Second, I like to make a list of the advantages and disadvantages. This helps me think and it makes the decision less subjective. Last, if I have time, then I like to give myself a couple of days to think about it before I make my final decision.

Interviewer : Would you say that decision-making is one of your strengths?

Mahesh : Yes, I would. I have read many books and taken a few classes about how to make good decisions. I think the decision-making process is something that everyone can study and benefit from.

Interviewer : Do you feel comfortable making quick decisions under pressure?

Mahesh : Yes, I have no problem working under pressure. You can follow the same basic steps that I mentioned earlier, but just shorten the time for each one when you have to make a quick decision.

Interviewer : It seems like you have thought about this topic a great deal.

Interviewer : How are your interpersonal skills?

Mahesh : I have strong interpersonal skills. I have strong listening skills, verbal communication, and decision-making skills.

Interviewer : In what situations have these skills helped you at work?

Mahesh : At my previous job, we often had to work together on projects. There were many times when we needed to make a decision as a group. Therefore, there were many meetings where we shared and listened to everybody’s ideas and opinions. It was very important for me to listen to everyone’s ideas, and then be able to persuasively express my own ideas. And finally, I needed to be able to compromise with my co-workers and come to an agreement with them.

Interviewer : Were there ever times that you didn’t get what you wanted?

Mahesh : Of course. But you know what they say, you don’t always get what you want.

Interviewer : That’s very true.

Interviewer : What skill do you want to learn?

Mahesh : I would love to learn how to use Photoshop. Since I am working in design, I think it would be a very useful skill to have. Photoshop has so many features that allow designers to do many different things.

Interviewer : Are you planning to learn?

Mahesh : Yes, I am planning to take an online course for Photoshop. I have a lot of experience with design and design software, so I think I will be able to learn how to use Photoshop pretty quickly.

Interviewer : Do you get a certificate for completion of the course?

Mahesh : You can receive a certificate if you pay extra money, but I will probably not get it. I will be able to demonstrate my skills by showing some of my own work, so I don’t think getting the certificate is necessary for me.

Interviewer : I understand completely.

Interviewer : What skill do you think you need to improve?

Mahesh : I think that I need to improve my ability to work independently.

Interviewer :  What exactly do you mean by that?

Mahesh : I think that I ask for feedback and help from my co-workers and boss too often. I think I need to have more confidence in my ability to make decisions. I know that it is important to ask for help when I don’t know what to do or if I need feedback about something, but I also think that I need to trust my own ability, too.

Interviewer : Is there anything you can do to improve this?

Mahesh : I think the most important thing that I can do is just develop confidence in my ability. If I am confident and positive, then this will help me work more independently.

Interviewer : That’s a very interesting answer.

Interviewer : What is a goal you have for self-improvement in the next year?

Mahesh : I have two goals that I want to accomplish. My first goal is a personal goal. I would like to lose 10 pounds this year. My second goal is professional. I would like to obtain a management position and create a positive working environment that helps everyone on my staff succeed.

Interviewer : Those are two good goals. But how would you create a positive working environment?

Mahesh : First, I need to lead by example. If I work hard and have a positive attitude, then the members on my staff will see that and they will do the same. Second, I need to create a team atmosphere where people feel comfortable talking with each other.

Interviewer : How would you make people more comfortable communicating with each other?

Mahesh : I would do two things. First, I would have an open-door policy, so employees could come to me at any time to talk. And second, I would encourage all members to communicate with each other openly and honestly.

Interviewer : That is exactly the type of environment we try to create at our company.

Interviewer : How are your analytical abilities?

Mahesh : I am adept at analyzing written financial reports and finding key information. This information allows me to make informed recommendations to my boss about whether we should invest in a certain company or not.

Interviewer : Do you have any experience analyzing data?

Mahesh : I have more experience analyzing written reports, but I can also analyze data. I often have to look at both data and written reports before I am able to come to any conclusion.

Interviewer : And how did you learn to do this?

Mahesh : I learned through hard work and experience. I have been working in this industry for over 10 years, and I always work hard and try to get better. Even in my free time, I read about different theories and ideas for analyzing business information.

Interviewer : That’s great to hear. We are always looking for experienced and talented financial analysts.

By bpci