Coversation between Interviewer and candidate in each 240 Latest Interview question in india

Interview Question Latest in India
Interviewer : If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Mahesh : That’s an interesting question. If I were an animal, I think I would be a dog because I work fast and I am extremely loyal.
Interviewer : Can you explain how you are loyal?
Mahesh : If I am treated well and have an opportunity to advance my career, then I prefer to stay at one company. I like to make long-term relationships and show loyalty to the people who have helped me.
Interviewer : Well, then do you mind if I ask why you are leaving your current company?
Mahesh : To be honest, I am ready to take the next step in my career which is becoming a manager. Unfortunately, there are no management positions available at my current company, and I don’t think there will be any available for a long time. So, I feel like I have no choice but to leave.
Interviewer : I see.
Interviewer : How would you deal with an angry client or customer?
Mahesh : When dealing with an angry person, I think it is very important to listen to them. Most people who are angry just want you to listen to them carefully and understand how they feel. And then, after I listen to the person, I would do everything I could to help them.
Interviewer : What if you could not do anything for them?
Mahesh : Then, I would try to explain the situation to them.
Interviewer : And what if they remained angry?
Mahesh : In that case, I would stay calm. Sometimes, there is nothing you can do, but if you become angry too and start yelling, then you can make the situation worse. So, I would want to avoid making the situation worse.
Interviewer : I think that is an appropriate way to deal with that kind of situation.
Interviewer : What would you do if you had a 3-month vacation?
Mahesh : Actually, I think that I would be a little sad. I enjoy my work and I like coming to the office and working with my co-workers. But if I had a long vacation, I would definitely spend some time with my family. I would like to take a road trip around America with them.
Interviewer : Why a road trip?
Mahesh : I think a road trip is a great way to spend a lot of time together while seeing many amazing places.
Interviewer : Do you feel like you spend enough time with your family?
Mahesh : Yes, I think I spend enough time with my family. There are always a lot of things to do in this line of work, but I always make time for my family. But like most people, we don’t have time for long vacations together. That is why I would take a trip with my family if I had a long vacation.
Interviewer : I understand. I would love to take a road trip with my family, too.
Interviewer : If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
Mahesh : I like my personality, but if I could change one thing, then I would be more outgoing around people I do not know well.
Interviewer : Why is that?
Mahesh : Well, I am very friendly and outgoing around people that I know well, but sometimes I can be quiet around people that I am meeting for the first time. Like for example, if I go to a party and I do not know anybody there, then I do not feel very comfortable.
Interviewer : I feel the same way.
Mahesh : It is hard to talk to new people, right? But some people can go to a place where they know nobody, and just start talking to people.
Interviewer : Are you trying to improve that?
Mahesh : Yes. Whenever I go to a party or networking event, I always try to start at least three conversations with people that I do not know. And actually, I am getting better at it. I think practice and experience can help people become more outgoing.
Interviewer : If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Mahesh : If I could learn any new skill, then I think I would learn how to cook well.
Interviewer : Why cooking?
Mahesh : Well, I know how to cook a little bit, and I find it very relaxing. Plus, I enjoy preparing food for my family and friends because it makes them happy.
Interviewer : Why aren’t you learning cooking now?
Mahesh : To be honest, I just do not have the time. I spend my free time with my family, doing yoga, or painting. If I start taking a cooking class, then I would need to give one of those up, and I don’t want to do that. For now, I am satisfied just watching quick cooking videos or reading cooking blogs online.
Interviewer : I guess there are only so many hours in a day.
Interviewer : If you could redo university again, what would you major in?
Mahesh : When I went to university, I majored in business. If I could go back again, then I would change my major to computer science.
Interviewer : Why is that?
Mahesh : When I was attending university, I did not know how interesting and challenging computer programming could be. It wasn’t until after I had graduated university that I became interested in computer programming.
Interviewer : Would you still study business?
Mahesh : Sure. I found my business classes very interesting, and I still like to learn about business. However, my number one interest is computers.
Interviewer : If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Mahesh : If I could start my career over again, I would be more proactive and ask for more advice from my senior colleagues and managers.
Interviewer : And why would you do that differently?
Mahesh : I realized that one of the best ways to get better at a job is to talk with people who have been doing it for a long time. But when I was first beginning my career, I was too shy to ask for help or advice. I didn’t want my co-workers to think that I didn’t know what I was doing.
Interviewer : I see. Do you ask for help or advice now?
Mahesh : Sure. If a colleague knows a lot about a certain topic, then I always talk to them to see what they think. It is a great way to learn and get new ideas.
Interviewer : If everyone on the team were a veteran and everyone already knew each other, what would you do to fit in?
Mahesh : If I were the only new person joining a team, then I would try to be friendly and outgoing. I would let everyone know that I was excited to join the team and that I was a team player.
Interviewer : What else would you do?
Mahesh : I think I would also ask a lot of questions. This way I could learn a lot about the people and the job while also showing my new colleagues that I was interested in them.
Interviewer : I think that would be a good way to fit in with a new team.
Mahesh : I have been in this situation before, and this method has worked for me in the past.
Interviewer : If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do?
Mahesh : I think it depends on the situation. If I were unfairly criticized in front of other people like at a meeting, then I would wait until after the meeting and talk to the person who criticized me one on one. I would tell them why I thought that their criticism was unfair.
Interviewer : Why would you wait until after the meeting?
Mahesh : I think it would be better to avoid any major conflict. If we started to argue in front of other people, then it could become a bad situation. If we talked privately, we could be more comfortable and I think it would be easier to resolve the issue.
Interviewer : That makes perfect sense to me.
Mahesh : Actually, I have used this method in the past, and it has been effective for me.
Interviewer : Would you be willing to work holidays if there were an emergency?
Mahesh : Yes, I would be willing to do that. I think that it is important to be a team player. So, if there were an emergency and all of my co-workers were here working on it, then I would want to be here to help them.
Interviewer : That is good to hear. Teamwork is an extremely important part of our company culture.
Mahesh : Well, that would be great for me because I like to work at a company where people help each other.
Interviewer : Was there a lot of teamwork at your last company?
Mahesh : To be honest, there wasn’t. And I think that it negatively affected our performance.
Interviewer : Would you be willing to work weekends during busy business periods?
Mahesh : Yes, I would. I would be willing to do whatever is necessary to do a good job and contribute to the company.
Interviewer : Have you been required to work weekends at your previous jobs?
Mahesh : Yes, I often worked weekends at my previous jobs. Sometimes because I had to, but other times I worked on the weekend because I wanted to get ahead on my work.
Interviewer : So, are you saying that you work on the weekend even if you do not have to?
Mahesh : Yes, sometimes I do.
Interviewer : Do you work at home or at the office?
Mahesh : It depends on what work I have to do, my other weekend plans, and how far I live from the office.
Interviewer : I see.
Interviewer : How would you deal with a colleague who was angry with you?
Mahesh : First, I would give them a little time to calm down. If I started to talk to them right after they got angry, then they might not be able to have an open and rational conversation. After I gave them a little time to cool down, I would approach them and ask them if they wanted to get a cup of coffee and talk.
Interviewer : I see. And then what?
Mahesh : And then, I would ask them why they were angry with me. I would listen earnestly to their feelings and then I would tell them how I feel. I would avoid attacking them, but I would be honest about how I felt about the situation.
Interviewer : That sounds like an effective way to deal with this kind of situation.
Mahesh : All you need to do is be a good listener and give them coffee. It works every time.
Interviewer : Would you work more than 40 hours a week if necessary?
Mahesh : Yes, I would. I would do whatever I had to do to be successful here. I know that in this industry, workers often have to work long hours. I have no problem doing that.
Interviewer : How many hours a week did you typically work at your last job?
Mahesh : I normally worked around 60 hours a week. I tried to work enough that I could do all of my tasks well, but I didn’t work so much that I became burned out or suffered health problems. So, I tried to find a good work-life balance and for me, that balance was at about 60 hours a week.
Interviewer : I completely understand. Most of the people at our company work about 50 to 60 hours a week. So, I guess you would have no problem adjusting to that.
Mahesh : Not at all.
Interviewer : How would you fire someone?
Mahesh : I would tell them in person in a direct way. I do not think that it is a situation that you want to draw out. It is better to tell the person right away and then explain the reasons why.
Interviewer : And what would you do if the person got upset?
Mahesh : I would just listen to them. Getting fired is hard on people, and many people would react angrily or become depressed. In these kinds of situations, it is best to avoid talking too much. It is better to listen intently to the other person. Also, if possible I would try to cheer them up or offer them any help that I could.
Interviewer : Have you ever fired anybody before?
Mahesh : No, I have not.
Interviewer : How would you feel about doing it?
Mahesh : It is not something that I would be excited about, but I would do it if I had to. It is a part of business.
Interviewer : What would you want to achieve in this position in your first year?
Mahesh : If I became a sales associate at your company, my goal would be to become one of your top 10 salespeople in the company in my first year. And then in the next year, I would want to be one of the top 5 salespeople.
Interviewer : That is a very ambitious goal. How would you achieve it?
Mahesh : I would achieve that goal by working hard, dedication, and skill. I am a talented salesperson, and I know how to do my job well. If I worked hard right away, I know I could adapt quickly to your company and start producing excellent results.
Interviewer : I love your confidence and attitude.
Mahesh : Especially in sales, I think it is key to be confident and self-assured.
Interviewer : What would your boss at your current job say about your abilities?
Mahesh : I think that my boss would say that I am very talented and have a lot of knowledge about supply chain management. My boss usually gives me the hardest tasks because I have a lot of experience and he trusts me to do a good job.
Interviewer : Well, what would your current boss say that you need to improve?
Mahesh : He would probably say that I need to be more organized. He likes everything to be neatly organized.
Interviewer : Are you unorganized?
Mahesh : I am organized, but I am not neat. My desk is usually a bit messy, but I have a system that I used to stay organized. My current boss doesn’t like it very much because he is a bit of a neat freak.
Interviewer : I understand. I know people like your boss, too.
Interviewer : Your resume says that you have never worked in sales. What do you think you would like most and least about working in sales?
Mahesh : I think that I would enjoy sales because it requires strong communication, and that’s one of my strong traits. Also, I like competition and challenging things, so I think sales would be a good fit for me.
Interviewer : And what do you think you would like least about working in sales?
Mahesh : The thing that I like least about any job is paperwork. I know that is a necessary part of the job and I always complete that kind of work to the best of my abilities, but I still don’t enjoy it.
Interviewer : I completely understand. Most people do not enjoy doing paperwork.
Interviewer : What could you contribute to make this company better?
Mahesh : If I joined this company, I think that I could contribute a lot. I have 10 years of experience working in this field, so I would bring a lot of skill and know-how. Also, I work very well on a team, so I would be able to join any team and start to contribute immediately.
Interviewer : What makes you good at working on a team?
Mahesh : I have the ability to work with others to come up with the best solutions together. I am not stubborn. I am open to other people’s ideas and I am good at helping other people improve their own ideas.
Interviewer : That’s great to hear because most of the work that we do at this company is done in groups.
Interviewer : If you got this job, what would some of your goals be?
Mahesh : My short-term goal would be to quickly adapt to the new company, new co-workers, and new responsibilities. I think I would be able to do this in less than 3 months. I would ask my new colleagues a lot of questions, and I would spend extra time preparing and learning about company procedures.
Interviewer : And what about your long-term goal?
Mahesh : If I joined the logistics department at this company, my long-term goal would be to implement a system that reduced logistical errors by 20% and had an on-time delivery rate of over 95%.
Interviewer : Those are lofty goals.
Mahesh : I think it is better to set your goals too high than too low.
Interviewer : Would you be willing to work abroad for an extended period of time?
Mahesh : Yes, I would be open to working abroad for an extended period of time. Actually, I would like to do that. I have always wanted to work abroad.
Interviewer : We have branch offices in Tokyo, Munich, and Melbourne, which one of those would you prefer and why?
Mahesh : I think that I would prefer to work in Tokyo. I am interested in Japanese culture, and I also speak a little Japanese. If I lived in Japan, then I could improve my Japanese while working there. That would be an extra benefit for me.
Interviewer : How long have you been learning Japanese?
Mahesh : I have been learning Japanese as a hobby for about 2 years. I study a little every day after work, and I take a class every Saturday at the language center downtown.
Interviewer : That’s amazing. Good for you.