Is It Necessary to Put Your IQ Score on Your Resume?

Career Geek

One of the biggest questions students and job seekers ask is what they have to include in their CV.

An important part of the resume is to showcase your abilities using different scores and metrics.

IQ (Intelligence Quotient), for example, can represent your ability to solve problems and is essential for positions that require mental abilities.

In this article, we’ll let you know what IQ is and if you need to include it in your resume.

What is IQ?

In 1912, psychologist William Stern developed the word IQ to refer to the German term Intelligenzquotient.

Your IQ is a form of a standard score that reflects how far above or behind your peer group your mental ability is.

The average IQ score is 100, which is calculated by administering the same test to a large number of people from various socioeconomic backgrounds and averaging the results.

In other words, with an IQ test, you can estimate how well you can perform complex mental activities, which is a great factor in your success in many fields.

The Importance of IQ in Your Applications

Now, the question is whether you should use your score in your resume.

The answer is dependent on your score and also the type of position you’re applying for.

For example, if you want to apply for a higher education level and your IQ score is above the average, it’s good to represent your IQ test results.

The reason is these kinds of positions require a high level of brain ability and problem-solving skills. So, if you see your IQ score is above the average, it can be a good point in your CV or motivation letter.

On the other hand, if you want to apply for different types of jobs like physical or artistic positions, it’s not necessary to include your IQ, although it’s not a negative point.

Overall, you’d better know the average IQ scores in your age group and then decide whether it’s good to represent your IQ test results or not.

Here is the list of average IQ scores for different age groups:

  • The average score for 16-17-year-olds is 108, indicating ordinary or normal intellect.
  • The average IQ score for adults between the ages of 18 and 19 is 105, which is considered normal or average intelligence.
  • The average score for adults between the ages of 20 and 24 is 99, which indicates ordinary or normal intellect.
  • The average score for adults between the ages of 24 and 34 is 97, which still indicates normal or average intellect.
  • After that age, older persons’ scores begin to rise again. For example, the average score for people aged 35 to 44 is estimated to be 101, which is still considered normal or average intelligence.
  • Within the normal or ordinary intelligence scale, the average IQ score for adults between the ages of 45 and 54 rises to 106.
  • People between the ages of 55 and 64 have the highest average IQ score for people under the age of 64, with a score of 109 on the IQ scale.
  • People aged 65 to 69 have an average IQ score of 114, which places them in the outstanding intelligence or above-average intellect range.
  • When adults aged 70 to 74 are evaluated for IQ, they have an even higher average score of 119.

How to Measure Your IQ Score Online

If you’ve decided to put your IQ score in your resume, you’d better measure it using a well-known platform that issues certified results.

Here are some of the best free IQ tests you can take online:

One of the most well-known online IQ tests is It has only 20 questions that will accurately measure your IQ level.

When taking this test, you’re asked to include your birth date because the test calculates your IQ based on your age.

If your 10-year-old child wishes to take this test and his or her mental age is assessed to be 13, his or her IQ score will be 130.

IQ Exam

IQ Exam is one of the most recent and also accurate online IQ tests available.

It was created by a team of McGill University researchers and therefore has a good academic background.

It has 30 questions, and after passing the exam, you will be given a certificate indicating your results. This exam has been taken by 89,000 individuals in the United States thus far.

You can find useful information about the standard deviation of IQ tests on their website, which will allow you to compare your results to the majority of your community.


If you want to take an IQ test without having to register or wait for membership, 123Test is an excellent option.

It provides excellent example exams as well as scores, the number of correct answers, and an evaluation to see if you are eligible for high IQ communities.

It includes a limited-scope demo exam that can give you a good indication of what to anticipate from the actual test. is also a good website that provides free IQ tests.

This is a simple IQ test website including historical information on the IQ idea.

It has a chart that shows youngsters what scores they should expect and allows them to compare their scores with those of others of the same age.

This test has just 20 questions depending on your WAIS IQ score (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Score.)


Try to use one of the mentioned online IQ tests to know your IQ and then decide whether it can be a positive point.

If you see that your IQ score is not that high, don’t be upset because there are countless skills and abilities that can compensate for it.

The thing is, you have to go for a position that best suits your personality and skills.

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#Put #Score #Resume

By bpci

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