Jagran Josh
Biology Specimen Paper Class 12 ISC: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the specimen papers for the upcoming ISC exams 2023. Solving specimen papers is an easy yet highly beneficial way to ace the exams, especially in descriptive subjects like Biology. View and download the ISC Biology Specimen Paper 2023 for class 12 here in pdf form.
ISC Biology Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 12: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the specimen papers for the upcoming higher secondary Indian School Certificate (ISC) exams 2023. The class 12th ISC exams are nearly here and will commence from February 13, and the time has come to take a look at the specimen papers. Biology (Code: 863) is the main subject for the medical stream students in ISC Class 12. Unlike other science subjects, biology is heavy on theory and requires significant concept retention. Learning all the scientific names and applying the various ideas to practical life can get hectic. This is where solving ISC Class 12 biology specimen paper comes in handy. Time management is an essential skill for students, and there’s probably not a better way to master it than solving sample papers. The ISC Class 12 Biology specimen paper also aids students in reducing anxiety, and provides them with an idea of the exam pattern, marks distribution, and the type and difficulty level of questions to be expected in the final exam. Check here the ISC Biology Specimen Paper Class 12 PDF for download.
Related: ISC Class 12th Datesheet 2023 Released: Check the complete exam date sheet and guideline here
ISC Class 12 Biology Specimen Paper 2023
- The ISC Board class 12 Biology paper carries 70 marks and a duration of three hours. The questions will be of both objective and descriptive type.
- 15 minutes of reading time will be provided and writing answers will be prohibited during the period.
- The ISC Class 12th Biology exam will have four sections: A, B, C and D.
- Section A will be be MCQ and short answer based, carrying 1 mark for each question.
- All questions from Section A will be compulsory, while students will be given internal choice between question in sections B, C and D.
Related: ISC Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2023
View the 2023 ISC Biology Specimen Paper for class 12 in pdf format here. The download link is provided at the end of the article.
Question 1
Answer the following questions briefly.
(i) Name the type of bioreactor which provides greater surface area for oxygen transfer. [1]
(ii) Name the causative agent of genital warts. [1]
(iii) If a segment of double-stranded DNA has 18% thymine, calculate the percentage of cytosine in the DNA. [1]
(iv) A woman has normal vision, but her father is colourblind. If she marries a colourblind man, what is the probability of her son being colourblind? [1]
(v) What are Ramsar sites? [1]
(vi) Define standing state in an ecosystem. [1]
(vii) Name the toxin which is responsible for causing the symptoms of malaria. [1]
(viii) Name the bond which exists between chain-A and chain-B of human insulin. [1]
(ix) Which row is correct with respect to the features of Neutrophils and B-lymphocytes?
Neutrophils |
B-lymphocytes |
I |
can change shape. |
get activated by contact with antigens. |
II |
are found in organs rather than in blood. |
kill virus-infected cells. |
may be long-lived cells. |
are always short-lived cells. |
IV |
their lysosomal enzymes digest bacteria. |
secrete cytokines |
(a) I
(b) II
(c) III
(d) IV
(x) How many ova and sperms would be produced from 50 primary oocytes and 50 primary spermatocytes during gametogenesis? [1]
(a) 100 ova, 50 sperms
(b) 100 ova, 200 sperms
(c) 50 ova, 200 sperms
(d) 50 ova, 100 sperms
(xi) Which one of the following is a palindromic sequence? [1]
(a) 5’-CGTATG-3’
(b) 5’-CGAATG-3’
(c) 5’-GAATTC-3’
(d) 5’-CGAATG-3’
(xii) Assertion: Energy value of biogas is lower than that of organic matter.
Reason: Biogas minimises the chances of spread of faecal pathogens. [1]
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(xiii) Give one significant contribution of each of the following scientists: [2]
(a) S. Cohen
(b) H. Boyer
(xiv) Give a term for the following: [2]
(a) The technique used to amplify a gene.
(b) The technique used for early diagnosis of HIV infection.
(xv) Expand the following abbreviations: [2]
(a) ICSI
(b) IUCD
(xvi) Give a reason for each of the following: [2]
(a) A person with cuts and bruises following an accident is administered tetanus anti-toxin.
(b) Origin of life is not possible under the present atmospheric conditions
You can read and download the complete ISC Class 12 Biology Specimen Paper 2023 below.
Check all the latest Specimen Papers of ISC Class 12 below.
ISC Specimen Paper 2023
Also Read: ISC Class 12 Syllabus 2023
Also Read: ICSE Syllabus 2023
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