Jagran Josh
Biotechnology Specimen Paper Class 12 ISC: Get here the newly released ISC Class 12 Biotechnology sample paper 2024 with the solution. Download the 2024 specimen paper and solution PDF.
ISC Biotechnology Specimen Paper 2024 for Class 12: CISCE board has released the new specimen sample question papers for the academic year 2023-24. This announcement was made on their official website through the release of a notice. As per CISCE the rubrics and paper pattern won’t be affected even after the revision of the syllabus for some selected subjects. Thus, students and teachers are free to refer to the previous year’s papers and ISC sample papers for practice.
Read: ICSE and ISC Revised Syllabus PDFs 2023–24
Biotechnology is one of the elective subjects for ISC Class 12. Many students opt for this, and thus they require ISC sample papers or specimen papers too. ISC Class 12 Biotechnology students can now check and download the ISC Specimen paper for Biotechnology here. Below are the general guidelines that students need to follow for their upcoming ISC Class 12 Board exams, 2024. Read this article carefully to understand the paper pattern and question format that can be asked on the final ISC board exams.
ISC Class 12 Biotechnology Sample Paper General Guidelines
- Maximum Marks: 70
- Time Allowed: Three Hours
- (Candidates are allowed an additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.)
- This paper is divided into three sections – A, B, and C.
- Answer all questions.
- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
ISC Class 12 Biotechnology Specimen Paper 2024
SECTION A (14 Marks)
(i) The labelled _____________ are used as probe in Western Blotting technique. [1]
(ii) During gel electrophoresis, DNA molecules move towards the __________ electrode. [1]
(iii) The nitrogenous base that has double rings is: [1]
(a) Cytosine
(b) Guanine
(c) Thymine
(d) Uracil
(iv) A plant geneticist is studying the possibility of combining desirable traits from two different plant species. He is particularly interested in developing a hybrid plant that combines disease resistance from one species with high yield potential from another species.
Name the technique that can be used by the plant geneticist to develop the hybrid plant. [1]
(v) Give a reason for the following.
(a) A haploid plant obtained by androgenesis produces viable gametes by meiotic division. [1]
(b) A co-repressor is required by the repressor to switch off the operator site in a repressible operon. [1]
(vi) Define the following:
(a) Genomics [1]
(b) Single cell protein [1]
(vii) Differentiate between the following:
(a) Monocistronic mRNA and Polycistronic mRNA [1]
(b) Sticky ends and blunt ends [1]
(viii) Expand the following:
(a) EMBL [1]
(b) NCBI [1]
(ix) Assertion: Lac operon is an inducible operon.
Reason: Lactose inhibits the process of transcription in Lac operon. [1]
(a) Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation for assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(x) Assertion: In Sanger’s DNA sequencing method, radio-labelled ddNTPs are used to terminate the chain.
Reason: ddNTPs have radiolabelled nitrogenous bases which are identified by autoradiography. [1]
(a) Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation for Assertion.
(b) Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Read: ICSE, ISC All Subject Sample Papers 2024
Question 2 [4]
Write short notes on the following:
(i) Identification of recombinant host by Blue – white selection method
(ii) Reverse transcription
Question 3 [4]
(i) Briefly explain the following:
(a) Edible vaccines
(b) Growth regulators in plant cultures
(ii) Briefly explain the following:
(a) Colorimetry
(b) Biolistic
To check further questions click on the link below.
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