ISC Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2022-23: Download Class 12th Home Science Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh



1. Food Preparation

(i) Principles of cooking; Methods of cooking (dry and wet/moist methods of cooking) and reasons for cooking; advantages and disadvantages of various methods employed in cooking. Some technologies used in cooking. 

Principles of cooking; Methods: Wet/moist methods: boiling, simmering, steaming (direct and indirect), stewing, braising, pressure cooking. Frying: sautéing, shallow and deep frying. Dry methods: baking, roasting, grilling/ broiling. Technologies used in cooking: microwave, induction cooking, solar cooking. Meaning, principle, advantages, disadvantages and examples of each of the above. 

(ii) Preliminary treatment of foods before cooking. Common pre-cooking procedures such as: Cleaning/ washing, peeling, cutting, sieving, grinding, beating / whipping, soaking, mixing, kneading, grating. 

Meaning and application of each of the above.

(iii)Culinary terms. Meaning and application of the following: garnish, season, blanch, marinate, braise, flambé, meringue, glaze, poach, puree, roux, pare, temper, prove, dredge. 

(iv) Effects of cooking on food components. Effect of cooking on Carbohydrates (starch, sugar, pectin, cellulose); Proteins; Oils and Fats; Minerals and Vitamins. Internal and external changes in food components. Do’s and don’ts in cooking to minimize loss of nutrients. 

(v) Methods of increasing nutritive value of foods. Sprouting/ germination, fermentation, parboiling, combination of foods, supplementation, substitution. Method and advantages of each of the above.

2. Meal Planning for the family

(i) Objectives of meal planning. Nutritional adequacy. Self-explanatory. 

(ii) Factors affecting food selection. An understanding of how food consumption varies from one family to another; how food selected by families is affected by various factors such as age, occupation, gender, physiological conditions, personal likes and dislikes, tradition, seasonal availability, economic considerations, religious beliefs, family size and composition. 

(iii) Meal planning for various age groups. An understanding of the nutritional needs of pre-school children, school-age children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. Making meal plans for these age groups based on their nutritional requirements and the RDAs. 

(iv) Eating disorders; developing good food habits. An understanding of the following: (a) Anorexia nervosa (b) Bulimia (c) Binge eating disorder or obesity; ways to control the above eating disorders. Developing good food habits: the importance of breakfast, following regular meal patterns, avoiding junk food and skipping of meals; Food fads – meaning and examples. 

(v) Special diets. Meaning and types; factors to be kept in mind while preparing special diets for: fever (of short duration), diarrhea, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. A day’s menu plan for each of the above.

3. Resource Management

(i) Savings and Investments. Importance of savings and investments. 

(ii) Avenues and schemes for savings and investments offered by different financial institutions. 

Banks: Concept; function and types of accounts: savings, current, recurring and fixed deposit accounts in Banks: features, limitations; online banking: meaning, advantages and disadvantages. A brief understanding of NEFT. Opening and operating a bank account, types of cheques, filling a deposit slip, procedure for making a demand draft, use of ATM, debit, credit cards and availing educational loans. 

Post office: Concept; function and types of accounts: savings, recurring and fixed deposit accounts: features, limitations.

Insurance (life and health); shares and debentures: concept only.

4. Consumer Education

(i) Consumer Protection Importance of consumer education; rights and responsibilities of the consumer; advantages of consumer education. Consumer Protection Act (2019) – salient features. 

(ii) Consumer aids (a) Standard Marks: Creating awareness about standard marks for consumer protection: fssai, FPO, AGMARK, ISI, Woolmark, Ecomark, Silkmark, Hallmark, Handloom mark; vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. (b) Labels: need for understanding labels on food items. (c) Role of advertisements and their impact. 

(iii) Problems faced by consumers. Price variation, hoarding and black marketing, unfair means of measurement, misleading advertisements, deceptive packaging, sale of sub-standard goods. 

Food adulteration: Definition of food adulteration as stated in Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA); common adulterants present in food stores – stones, dust, dirt, argemone seeds and oil, metanil yellow, kesari dal, toxic colours, chicory powder and starch and their effects.

5. Human Development

Growth and development during adolescence. 

(i) Physical development. Physical Development during puberty and adolescence: role of the endocrine system – changes in body proportions and their effects; early and late maturers; influence of sports and exercise on physical fitness. 

(ii) Cognitive development Stages of cognitive development. 

(iii)Social and emotional development. Influences on adolescents: − Family: parents, grandparents, siblings; Family and socialization; patterns of parenting; development of gender roles and stereotypes. − School and teachers: role of school and teachers in the social and emotional development of the adolescent. − Peers: development of peer relationships (positive and negative influences). 

(iv) Issues and concerns of adolescents. Peer pressure, substance abuse (meaning, symptoms and treatment), sexual abuse; anger management, depression and suicidal tendencies. Preparation for career. Influence of social media. 

(v) Perspectives on Adulthood. Adulthood: meaning and dimensions; Stages: • Early adulthood – understanding and managing new responsibilities, career, marriage and family. • Middle adulthood – physical and psychological changes. • Late adulthood/ old age – (a) Health and wellness: physical, social, emotional, financial, recreational needs (b) Care for the elderly (at home and outside – old age homes); modification in lifestyle; preparation for retirement. Increasing life expectancy and associated issues and concerns. Sensitising children towards the needs and care of the elderly.

6. Traditional Textiles

Traditional textiles: Classification – embroidered, woven, dyed, printed and painted. 

(i) Embroidered textiles Chikankari, Phulkari, Kashidakari, Kantha, Kasuti, Kutch-Kathaiwar – origin, thread, colour, fabric, stitches, motifs, products. 

(ii) Woven textiles Baluchari, Chanderi, Kanjeevaram, Banarasi, Jamdani, Kani shawls – origin, characteristics, care and storage: origin, yarn, colours, motifs, products. 

(iii)Dyed textiles Bandhini, Patola, Ikat – origin, fibre or fabric, colours, motifs, products.

(iv) Printed and painted textiles Kalamkari, Madhubani, Bagh, Dabu (Sanganer-Baghru print) – origin, technique, fabric, colours, motifs, products.

7. Communication and Extension 

(i) Water safety Importance of potable drinking water for good health; simple methods of making water safe for drinking: boiling, filtering (traditional and modern technology), use of alum and chlorine. 

(ii) Some National Programmes for Community Development. Scope and salient features of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).

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