ISC Class 12 Mass Media & Communication Syllabus 2023-24: Download Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

ISC Class 12 Mass Media & Communication Syllabus 2024: Read the article to have the updated ISC Class 12 syllabus for Mass Media & Communication. The syllabus provided in this story is CISCE formulated with step-wise elaboration. Download the 2023-24 syllabus pdf as well. 

Class 12 2023-24 Mass Media and Communication syllabus ISC: Mass Media and Communication is an essential field in terms of influencing public opinion and shaping societies. The load and power of mass media have increased exponentially with the advancement in technology and the initiation of the digital age where data from any point in the world reaches globally in seconds. In the past few years, this field has developed significantly from newspaper to digital platforms. The boom in social media and internet usage revolutionised the way information disseminates and thus has created ample opportunities and challenges.

Now we believe you have understood how Mass Media and Communication have an impact and still continue to evolve. To have a basic understanding of the subject CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations) has added Mass Media & Communication as one of its electives for ISC Class 12. To check the syllabus of this subject with code 879 you need to scroll down and read the information carefully. The syllabus is CISCE formulated and follows its language directly. The pdf of the syllabus is also provided in this article for free download.

ISC Mass Media & Communication Syllabus Aims

1. To bring about a comprehensive understanding of the different types of Mass Media and their convergence. 

2. To provide an introduction to the various media regulatory bodies and their objectives. 

3. To enable the comprehension of technical and creative concepts associated with the various Media production processes. 

4. To create an awareness of the role of Media in bringing about social change. 

5. To sensitise and bring about an awareness of Online hazards and Internet safety. 

6. To develop an understanding of the Evolution of the various forms of Media and Communication. 

ISC Class 12 Mass Media & Communication Syllabus Key Highlights


There will be two papers in the subject: 

Paper I: Theory: 3 hours —— 70 marks 

Paper II: Project Work: ——- 30 marks

PAPER I (THEORY) – 70 Marks 

Part I (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short answer questions testing knowledge, application and skills relating to elementary/fundamental aspects of the entire syllabus.

Part II (50 marks) will consist of eight questions out of which the candidates will be required to answer five questions, each carrying 10 marks.


ISC Class 12 Mass Media & Communication Syllabus 2023-24

1. Communication

(i) Culture and Communication What is culture? Relationship between culture and mass media; communication in the cultural context; media as vehicle of cultural transmission; representation and stereotyping in Mass Media. 

(ii) Communication and Social Change Social change: meaning; media as a catalyst for social change (with examples of various social movements).

2. Journalism

(i) Qualities of a good Journalist. 

An understanding of the following: nose for News, inquisitiveness, language skills, trustworthy and empathy. 

(ii) Ethical Issues in Journalism. 

A brief understanding of each of the following with examples: sensationalism, fake news, paid news, plagiarism, advertorials, partisan reporting and sting operations.

3. Radio

(i) Writing for Radio 

Characteristics of a Radio Script: conversational language, active voice, simple sentences, avoidance of technical jargons and capability of creating imageries. 

(ii) Recording Radio Programmes 

Brief understanding of the radio studio and transmission equipment: types of microphones; amplifier, sound mixer, speakers; audio recording. 

(iii) Radio Jockeying 

Role of a radio jockey; skills required: command on language (spoken and written), connectedness with the audience; knowledge about the recording equipment.

4. Cinema

(i) History of Cinema 

A brief understanding of the early experiments done by the following: Lumiere Brothers, John Grierson, Robert Flaharty and Dada Saheb Phalke. 

(ii) Cinema Genres. 

Defining genre theory; an understanding of the various types of genres (with suitable examples): action, westerns, comedy, crime, drama, fantasy/sci-fi, historical, animation, romance and musical. 

(iii) Cinema and Social Change. 

Parallel Cinema movement in India: Issues depicted and low budget production process (with reference to examples such as Shyam Benegal’s Manthan).

5. Social Media

(i) Definition of social media. 

(ii) Types of social media platforms. 

Social networking, blogging, photo sharing and video sharing. 

(iii) Role of social media in democracy. 

Role of social media in creating collective identities with reference to sharing of information; cyber activism (with suitable examples) 

(iv) Cyber Crime. 

A understanding of online bullying; stalking; trolling; online frauds. 

(v) Netiquettes. 

Meaning and importance of netiquettes; an understanding of netiquettes such as: identification of oneself; respect for others’ privacy, use of appropriate language and imagery; do not spam. 

6. Media Regulatory Bodies

Role and functions (as stated by the Government of India) of: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India; Press Council of India; Central Board for Film Certification; Advertisement Standard Council of India; News Broadcasting Standards Authority of India. 

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India: Regulates telecommunication services, adjudicate disputes, dispose appeals, protect interests of service providers and consumers. 

Press Council of India: Helps newspapers maintain their independence, builds code of conduct for newspapers and journalists, guidelines for training, guidelines for spreading news, reviews newspaper production, maintains quality. 

Central Board for Film Certification: Certifies for public viewing, film certification: U, A, UA, S.

Advertisement Standard Council of India: Self-regulation in advertising, protection of consumer interests, promotion of responsible advertising, enhancing public confidence in advertising; Consumer Complaints Council. 

News Broadcasting Standards Authority of India: Ensures – impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, discretion (crimes against women and children), privacy, national security is not endangered. Prevents – glorification of violence and crime, encouragement of superstition and occultism, showcasing sex and nudity.

7. Media Convergence

Media convergence; dimensions. 

Meaning, importance and benefits of media convergence. 

Dimensions: technological, textual, social and political (A brief understanding with examples).


Candidates will be required to have completed two projects from any topic/ allied aspect covered in Theory. 

Project work may include: 

• Scriptwriting. 

• Documentary/ video. 

• Book review/ film review/ posters/ advertisements/ cartoon strip. 

• Advertisement campaign, social media campaign. 

• Case study. 

• Field visit/investigation. 

Candidates must be encouraged to produce project work that is original and creative, which provides insightful perspectives.


List of suggested assignments for Project Work: 

(i) Develop a script for radio advertisement on any one social issue of your choice. The duration of the advertisement should not be more than 30 seconds. You are also expected to develop a suitable jingle. 

(ii) Develop a short comic story. You can choose maximum 4 characters to build the story. The cartoons should be drawn by yourself in your own way. Write suitable dialogues. Colouring of the comics is optional. The story should not be more than five scenes or 15 drawings. candidates can submit them pasted in a chart or book. No software should be used for this assignment. 

(iii) Produce a one hour documentary on the topic “Life in School”. The documentary must contain video clips from various activities conducted in school as well as general school life such as recess and dismissal. There must be at least one interview with a student and one with a member of staff. Narration must be clear and fit with the visual matter. Any recording not in English must have subtitles. 

(iv) Develop an advertising campaign on any issue related to the conservation of the environment. You can choose any non-electronic media for the campaign. For example, pamphlets, placards, leaflets, etc. Prepare a report of the detailed process along with pictures of the campaign. 

(v) Create a power point presentation showcasing the various Graduation courses a student can apply for after the completion of school. The PPT must contain statistical data regarding employment rates of adults who have completed the courses, number and type of jobs which make use of the courses as well as difficulty of the courses. Pie charts and bar graphs may be used. Reasons must be given why the courses should be taken as well as what advantages certain courses have over others. 

(vi) Choose a social media campaign. Follow it for a week. Do a detailed analysis of the campaign in terms of its strategy, followers, comments/ likes, sharing and development over time. 

(vii) Use any camera or mobile phone with video facility to create a 1-5-minute fiction story on a topic of your choice. 

(viii)Write a detailed review of a film from any one of the following genres: Fantasy/ Sci-fi, comedy, musical.


The Project will be assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by the Council. 

Assessment of Project Work will be done as follows:



Internal Evaluation by Teacher

15 Marks


Evaluation by Visiting Examiner

15 Marks


30 Marks


Guidelines For Teachers: 

  1. It must be emphasized that the process of doing the project is as important as the finished product. 
  2. Once the project/projects are chosen, there should be a process of brainstorming to encourage students to make out a draft/structure for the project. 
  3. During the brainstorming/discussion, the teacher should discuss the assessment criteria with the students. 
  4. Students must be cautioned against plagiarism and be penalized for the same. 
  5. Marks must be awarded for content and originality and not for decorative elements and embellishments. 
  6. Projects must be the original work of the student.


NOTE: No question paper for Project Work will be set by the Council.





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