IT Department Gujarat recruitment: Apply for 59 MTS, other posts from today

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The office of the Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Ahmedabad has invited online application forms from meritorious sportspersons for Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant, and Multi-Tasking Staff vacancies. Eligible candidates can submit their forms on from October 1 to 15 on the website

IT Department Gujarat recruitment: Apply for 59 MTS, other posts(Shutterstock/ Representative photo)

Vacancy details

IT Inspector: 2

Tax Assistant: 26

MTS: 31

Details of vacancies reserved for various sports can be checked on the notification.

For the post of IT inspector, candidates should be 18-30 years and for the other two posts, candidates should be 18-27 years old on August 1, 2023. Relaxation has been given to reserved category candidates.

Candidates should have a bachelors degree from a recognised institute for the IT Inspector vacancies. For Tax assistant, they should have a bachelor’s degree and data entry speed of 8,000 key depression per hour.

For the post of Multi Tasking Staff, candidates should have passed matriculation or equivalent from the recognised board.

In addition to these, candidates must fulfil specific sports requirements mentioned in the notification.

For more details and to apply online, visit the recruitment page at

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By bpci

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